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Car thieves shoot themselves with stolen cars, on Facebook!

Car thieves shoot themselves with stolen cars, on Facebook!



How do you feel when you see VW rims on Skoda?  

23 members have voted

  1. 1.

    • Indifferent ...
    • Owner of the Skoda couldn't find Skoda rims
    • Owner tries to disguise the Skoda as a VW



You know what they say, "Do whatever you want, just don't get caught!" Unfortunately (or thankfully, perhaps), these teenage car thieves in the United Kingdom don't seem quite knowledgeable about such a saying. Instead, these thieves just seemed so proud of their 'stealing' ability that they even shot pictures of themselves with the cars they had successfully stolen. What amazes me more is that they even posted the pictures on Facebook, a world renowned social media, and on their phones! This led the local police to catch them red-handed, or should I say, 'bread-handed' (you'll see why). It's a real 'shame' to the world of Grand Theft Auto. Speaking of Grand Theft Auto, it reminds me of the action adventure packed car theft game, the latest trailer of which will be shown on 30th April 2013.


Alright, let's get back to topic. To be honest with you, these teenagers, aged from 18-23 years old, were quite an expert indeed. Comprising eight members, they managed to successfully steal nine high performance sports cars that were, and still are, very expensive. Porsches, Range Rovers, BMWs, and a Mercedes Coupe worth

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They purposely want to get caught.....

Then with the publicity they get, they hope that some big organisation will hire them for car jacking...then thats when the money starts to pour in....

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