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MINI gets steampunked

MINI gets steampunked





Tuning company Carlex Design has decided to give the MINI Countryman a little steampunk makeover.



Wait steam who? Steampunk is a sub-genre of science fiction characterized by a setting in which steam power predominates as the energy source for industrial technologies. A good example will be the movie Wild Wild West.



The Poland based company coated the crossover in a hardened matte black with bright copper detailing on areas like the roof, wheels and other places.


If you thought the outside looks 'normal', wait till you get in. The center console and dashboard have been retrimmed in brass, copper and brown leather. The copper theme continus on over to the hazelwood-rimmed steering wheel.



There also seems to be an antique 19th century clock fitted in place of an airbag. It took nine months to complete the project.








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