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Facelifted Toyota Vios

Facelifted Toyota Vios





Toyota has just released the facelifted Vios in Thailand. The timing couldn't have been more appropriate with the onslaught of the Mazda 2 sedan, and the upcoming Ford Fiesta sedan. Externally, the cosmetic changes include a revised grille, rear tail lamp and chromed boot lid. The 1.5L VVTI unit with 4 speed transmission in the current Vios continues to power the facelifted model.


The set of interior photos revealed some interesting changes. There is the availability of a Heads-Up Display module that displays the current speed of the car on the windscreen. The revised steering wheel looks more sporty with a flatter bottom. a nice touch! Another commendable feature is the inclusion of an engine start/stop button. This feature is also available in the hot korean model - the Kia Cerato Forte. I believe Toyota has to step up its game against the koreans. An area that I hope to see improvement in the new Vios is the usage of better quality plastics for the interior.


Expect the revised Vios to reach our local shore in a couple of months' time.







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The HUD is aftermarket - I installed the same one for myself, minus the Toyota brand not printed on the HUD box :p


IMHO, I say that the steering wheel looks darn nice, much better than the current ones :)



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Chromed camry-like grille?? Old Toyota thinks the whole world is full of Ah pek with ah pek taste?


The FL just successfully made the Vios more "mature" by giving it's targeted market of Young buyers a camry-like grille? Seriously to all the young car owners....what do you think about it?


As a driver of the prev gen Vios, I was utterly disappointed by the direction Toyota is take on their car designs.


The prev-vios has such sporty and young hints in it's design, especially the pre-FL version. Even the current pre-FL Vios looks so much younger.


I think I'll give Toyotas a miss until they buck up their looks department in their future lineups.

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At least the bother to print the toyota word on it. the current camry with the tomtom HU look even more aftermarket..

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