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BMW: The ultimate niche machines, not driving machines anymore.

BMW: The ultimate niche machines, not driving machines anymore.



How do you feel when you see VW rims on Skoda?  

23 members have voted

  1. 1.

    • Indifferent ...
    • Owner of the Skoda couldn't find Skoda rims
    • Owner tries to disguise the Skoda as a VW

blogentry-61716-1265465254_thumb.jpgBMW is one company that keeps losing the plot over and over again. I have never known a company so relentless in pursuing niche markets that it comes up with models that are supposed to be a result of a comprehensive market study. This means that all the current models made by BMW are actually designed by studies based on opinion given by the following:


A fat American 6ft 5in couch potato who thinks Football is a game where burly men bang into each other while chasing a oval shaped ball and thinks that the world consists of anything in between Arkansas and Florida;


a middle aged CEO of a company who likes sitting in the rear seat of his 7 series and has 4 kids;


a 30 something career woman who likes sitting up high in a vehicle as she


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BMW has grown from a stable of 3 cars to what it has now, no thanks to the avalanche of X models since they sold Landrovers.


Much to the loyalist's annoyance, they do sell pretty well to propagate the series. Young fans don't understand cars their fathers would like, WILL make more money for the company.


Cars they are hoping to buy, aren't.


If there are other models from the Z series, they will be cannibalising their 1,3 and 6 series coupes, of course, unless they come up with a 4 door version of the Z4 or 6 series, or some outdated shooting brake concept.


Thank your stars there are still the 1 and 3 series coupe for your sporty look and drive.

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I thought the 1 looked like a close cousin of the sperm whale Sturtles.


Your above post puts into light the obvious shift of generational preferences...something like you mentioned the purist are cringing from.


Porsche coming up with an SUV that would go on to sell so well that it funded the development of the 911 range. Sad truth I guess but these brands aren't the same as we remember them to be.


Ferrari's now playing around with hybrid techonology and will be previewing it at a motorshow soon enough. No idea what the future will hold for these brands....a Lamborghini MPV maybe?

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