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"First of all, those who buy a SUV/CUV use it basically as a people/cargo carrier. They are not going to drive it fast and hard around the corners and they definitely won

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I agree with the blog.

Having M on the SUVs is d@mn blardy silly.


1M, M3, Z4M, M5, M6. period.


Why on earth would u need to have an M7? or X6M?


I give u one example... Lexus coming out with a RX-F for its RX class of cars. do u feel its silly?

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Have you ever driven an X6M or X5M on track? Or have you even driven these two cars to begin with? What do you really know about these two cars? Obviously you know nothing about these two cars. Stick to JDM cars pls!


"But by adding the M badge onto their SUVs/CUVs, BMW has given an honourable badge to cars that do not deserve them"




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I don't see why M'ing an X5 or X6 is silly. People want high performance SUV/CUV too, to add to their exotic and sports cars, especially in countries where car enthusiasts personally own three or more cars. The M and AMG SUVs and big luxury saloons do very well in their American market sales.

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Vaisms | Today at 02:28 PM

Have you ever driven an X6M or X5M on track? Or have you even driven these two cars to begin with? What do you really know about these two cars? Obviously you know nothing about these two cars. Stick to JDM cars pls!




Whatever mentioned in the above is from the writer point of view, if you don't agree(somehow), I'm sure a discussion is welcome here, personal-attack is uncalled for. [:|]


Anyway imo, not all conti cars are that fabulous, and that they appeal to everyone, hence, no need to shoot-down any other makes & models.


By the way, I hope you don't have a problem with JDM cars..for all you know, they can perform better/faster than whatever you own.. [:/]


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Vaisms | Today at 02:28 PM

"Have you ever driven an X6M or X5M on track? Or have you even driven these two cars to begin with? What do you really know about these two cars? Obviously you know nothing about these two cars. Stick to JDM cars pls!"



errr.. i already said its silly. why would i drive it on track when i can drive a boxster S MT?


and yes, i've driven one of them, the X6M.





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one day.... BMW might have a 7 seater MPV to compete with the R class.


and that one day, if they do a M package on it, i'll really LOL.



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Today, BMW treats M as another marketing gimmick. Nothing more, nothing less. If it helps them sell more cars, they'll do it.


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x + m r for rich men , & rich men wouldnt want anything common folks own


still it drive much much better than ur corolla

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Guys, thank you for the comments.


Firstly, the reason why I wrote this article was because I felt that BMW M division has truly lose its initial meaning/purpose of starting the M division in the first place which is to facilitate its motorsport program and also to incorporate it into its car models (in a way, to give the masses a feel of its M program).


And seriously, if the X5 and X6 are suitable in motorsports, we would have already seen BMW entering them into racing competitions such as touring car competitions and that is one of the reasons why I felt that both of them are not worthy of the M badge.


To me, by putting the M badge on a X5 or X6 is a mockery of the M's true meaning. After paying more for a badge and a power hike; no one, in the right frame of mind, would ever going to use it except for daily drive purposes. And if that is what we are going to see about those two models, what is the point of having an M badge on them?


Like what some of the guys here commented, it is a marketing scheme. I agree with that and also fully aware of it. But it still does not justify the reason why BMW have to put an M badge on them. They could have done it in other ways such as giving it a power hike but without the M moniker. In that way they wouldn't ruin the M division's name.


The above are just my thoughts on the topic and people may or may not like it. Nevertheless, I would like to thank everyone for their comments and also wish you guys a great week ahead.

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