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Automotive exhibitions and shows are usually the place where auto firms showcase their new models, concepts and even technologies. It is a great platform for them to introduce such items where journalists from all over the world gather to report on their new creations.


The 2011 Tokyo Motor Show is one such event. Currently taking place (01/12/2011), many new cars and technologies were displayed. For example, Toyota is heavily promoting its new sports coupe model, the 86.



Honda might not have any new sports model or sports concept to show to the world but one of the biggest news from them is that they have a new family of engines that goes by the name of Earth Dreams Technology or EDT for short.


The name might sound a bit plain to some but for those who are familiar to the phrase


Recommended Comments

nothing new, still no turbocharging.


honda stuck in slow lane when even Toyota is pushing "fun to drive" (which is radical for Toyota).

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