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An old Mazda and rally special. The 323 GTX 4X4.

An old Mazda and rally special. The 323 GTX 4X4.



How do you feel when you see VW rims on Skoda?  

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    • Indifferent ...
    • Owner of the Skoda couldn't find Skoda rims
    • Owner tries to disguise the Skoda as a VW


Around 1995, or the days long before the Mazda 3 existed, a friend managed to convince his father to buy for him a newer car for him to run around to college and back. Lots of excuses were given from the supposedly unreliability of his old car to

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Wow nice article, didn't know the Mazda's tuning arm already existed then.


From the picture it looks like it share the same frame with the Ford Laser TX3. With a 1.8l turbo, the TX3 was also a pocket rocket in it's own right.


These cars of the early to mid 90's go through some of the best technical advancements in engine technology. From a mere 8 valve SOHC carburated engine to 12valves then 16valves with Twin Cam and EFI.


Too bad I was too young and too poor to enjoy these cars in flesh during those time..

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