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A week in the life of an auto show model

A week in the life of an auto show model




They're there at every car show and race event and apart from posing with cheeky groups of guys and putting up with some taking pictures at certain angles to take advantage of the high-leg skirt trim, it turns out they also have to entertain guys (and sometimes ladies) eager to exhibit their limited product knowledge by challenging these models with the stupidest questions about the car.


Little do they know that these long-legged beauties aren't just car-posing candy, they've actually been specially selected to be educated by the brand themselves about their newest cars and are let in on trade secrets of the specific car and also about rival brands. At least that's the overpowering reality that I seem to be understanding from a recent visit to a blog of one of the models from the Detroit Motorshow.


Apart from discussing things like "The Unnecessary Truck" (she has a problem with people driving a huge truck but almost always never having more than two people inside at any point in time) and grandpa's (and the things they say to her at shows), she actually comes out to demystify the myth that is the air-head blonde.


Follow the jump here at the end of the post, it's a refreshing read and an exclusive inside look into the other end of these Autoshows.


Recommended Comments

Read her blog... sounds like an angry b**ch to me with above-average english.... if she's not happy with the branding and typical generalization that men have about a car show model then why not look for another job?!?... i mean when you use your beauty and attraction to 'attract' people to your booth... u expect ppl to not to flirt with you??? wake up.. that's like being dumb blonde.. albeit your good english and knowledge of cars...


Stay away...She's not the kind of person you want to marry.. hahha... high maintenance and will probably claim every single penny u have.. and preach about women equality/rights/sexual harassment yet still dress like street walker...if u get what i mean.....


thats just my 2 cents...hahaha

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