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Cruise Control - Are they really necessary in Singapore?

Cruise Control - Are they really necessary in Singapore?





Cruise control is a very common feature on cars nowadays, and they are no doubt a convenient feature for long journeys.


However, I have never actually used or operated a cruise control system on Singapore roads. Which leads me to wonder, are they really that useful or necessary here?


I mean, our island is small, and traffic is often dense and congested.


Even if you get a decent stretch of road, it only last for a couple of minutes before you encounter traffic and have to hit the brakes again.


I would imagine it could be useful in the KPE tunnel with its 70km/h speed limit, but again, there is a lot of stop-start traffic which negates the cruise control function.


I mean, given the driving styles of locals (and this is the truth arguably), you probably never know when some idiot will just pull out into your lane and you have to slow down suddenly.


Therefore, it is better to always be alert and in control, than to leave it to the computers.


I understand that there are now adaptive cruise control systems that can detect traffic and adjust the speed accordingly, but it seems that they are only available on higher-end cars like Mercedes-Benz and Volvo at the moment.


But even then, would you completely trust them 100%?


I'm not totally sure.


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It is a good feature to have even tho I seldom use it here. But a lot of us travel to M'sia on holiday and it can be useful.

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good to have but not necessary..coz its sg belongs to urban driving..even if u can stand constant at 90km/h on expressway, there will be impatient driver in front who will tailgate and jam brakes causing u to brake as well..or tailgaters from behind who will high-beam and horn u thinking that they can "zap" u with their laser..erm..i mean horn [laugh]

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Yep, must have for me. Use it quite often on expressways in Singapore and Malaysia. Wouldnt buy a car if it didnt have it. Helps me control my speed in Singapore after driving faster in Malaysia so I won't accidentally go over speed limit. Speed warning on dash is useless imo.

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I use it everyday in the KPE tunnel. Don't have to worry about exceeding the speed limit and cruise at the fastest speed possible. I keep my foot on the brake just in case I need to react. Makes for a more relaxing drive.

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VERY VERY USEFUL when i'm driving a saf 5-tonner!!! Wah.... enjoy the air-con and cruising.....shiok ah.......never tried it on cars though.......

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I feel is good to have no doubt i only used it once on past mid night at PIE to Changi Airport ..

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