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Pay thru your nose if you wanna drive to Sentosa

Pay thru your nose if you wanna drive to Sentosa




Last week Sentosa announced that with the opening of their Resorts World Sentosa, they'll be increasing charges for private vehicles entering into Sentosa. Currently it costs $2 per car with additional $2 per passenger. From January 18 onwards though it'll cost $6 to drive into Sentosa on weekdays between 7am and just before noon, and $7 per car on weekends, regardless of the number of people in the car.


Apparently management on the island are amending the costs of driving to the island to encourage visitors to car pool, or if not, rely on the public transport system. This is done due to the expected overcrowding once the Resorts World Sentosa opens.


There's more.......parking! Parking will become more expensive with the island switching to time based charges.


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Personally i think Sgd 7.00 is a small sum for going to sentosa. compare to going in via Ferry and cable car.

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I wonder how people thinks $7 is paying through ones nose when you are paying tens thousands of dollars for a car.

911fan red plate driver? =D

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this is expensive but bo bian if chose to enjoy the convenience driving to your destination...instead of parking at vivo then take the train over...ma fan and still need to pay for tickets and CP charges too...so end of the day not sure can save how much...anyway, dont frequent sentosa so should be quite ok?

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