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OCBC Corporate Karting Challenge Round 1 Preview

OCBC Corporate Karting Challenge Round 1 Preview



monthly_05_2011/blogentry-31583-1305190910.jpgThe inaugural OCBC Corporate Karting Championship has 30 teams registered in total, with 10 teams in each round. Round 1 will be held on 28th May and the official testing was conducted four weeks ahead of the race, on 30th April.



Split into two groups of five, the first group had their briefing at 3pm, before the next group is due at 4.30pm. Briefly, the rules and regulations were shared by Allan and Malik of Kartright, along with Harold Netto of the Singapore Motor Sports Association (SMSA).


The floor was also open to the drivers to field questions or anything they are unsure about. Round 1 sees teams from title sponsor OCBC, SGX, Borneo Motors (authorised distributor for Toyota), Aston Martin Singapore and more. After the briefing, each team was split into groups of 3 and given 90 minutes on the track to practise.




The timings were quite competitive, but this 90-minute practice is nothing compared to the four-hour endurance race they will be going through.


Said Paul Ng from Team Rising Sun of Borneo Motors,


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