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'Upsizing' of engine displacement is the way forward

'Upsizing' of engine displacement is the way forward




blogentry-133713-0-70125600-1476784750_thumb.jpgReuters has just published a report saying automakers will be reversing the recent downsizing trends for both petrol and diesels engines as the small engines have trouble passing real-world emissions test.


While the turbocharged small engine capacity provided decent power for everyday driving, it is said that small petrol engines 'spew fine particles and carbon monoxide' and that the heat generated by small turbodiesels result in NOx readings over 15 times the legal limit. Renault's 0.9-litre engine was found to inject excess fuel in an effort to stop overheating which would leading to high emissions 'of unburned hydrocarbons, fine particles and carbon monoxide'.


Brands which are going towards the 'upsizing' route include Volkswagen, Renault and General Motors. Analysts say that moving forward, strict new emissions tests will kill petrol engines below 1.2-litre and diesels that displace less than 1.5-litre.


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Great news.


Actually what is the real news here. It is all about profit. Just how many sub 1litre cars a manufacturer needs to sell to make a decent profit compared to a 4 litre car.


It is unbelievable that manufacturers are unable to reduce the emissions from small cars. The industry needs spurs on their backside like have another Elon Musk to shake up their complacency.


Conspiracy theory suggests auto industry and oil companies are in it up to their eye balls.


The bottom line is if each sub litre car can bring in a profit of 50% or more for the manufacturer, I am sure many may just abandon building cars of larger capacities.

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wouldnt the drive for variable compression ratio for engine coupled with variable vane turbo the way forward?

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A heavily boosted 1.0L engine can replace a lot of the engines out there. Plus there are a lot of savings on weight with such a small capacity engine. I think it's just an excuse and that they are delaying what's coming.

The current TC 1.4L-1.6L engines have not reach its peak. Abandoning them for the TC 1.0L is actually a lot of hard work down the drain.

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Actually its about time they do so.


Tiny force fed engines may look powerful on paper, but when you use it and compare it back to back with a bigger NA engine of equivlant power o/p, there is still a marked difference in overall driving experience.


Tiny engines power delivery tends to be hills and valley... meaning you get big power at some rpm and then power drop off as u rev high and it come back again at even higher revs... this is even more apparant when the car is under heavy load.


Also, these tiny engines tends to sound like a high speed industrial sewing machine... unglam sounds

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