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Amos Yee, 17 yr old who think he's cool by insulting LKY!


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Can someone explain what is the difference between a police bail and a court bail?


JUST IN: Amos Yee had his police bail converted to court bail on Friday. http://str.sg/355

Among the conditions include the 16-year-old having to take down his blog post raising money for legal fees.



Hmmmmm........... look just like @vid avarta .... [grin]

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remand got banana to eat or not?

The banana eating is a bit unfortunate...

Will turn into a bit of a meme....The banana eating a banana....which is totally bigoted and racist...

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It's just an expression.


"I wouldn't touch it with a 10-foot pole".


Just that he prefer 8-foot. [laugh]

This Anus fellow English think so good like to use sayings... yes I heard of 10 foot pole too, don't know whats his "fetish" with a 8 foot pole but if cut into 1/2 it will be the standard length of rotan

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He wants to be hero, he gets it. Now we see if has what it takes to sacrifice for the rights he claimed he speaking for.

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Can someone explain what is the difference between a police bail and a court bail?


JUST IN: Amos Yee had his police bail converted to court bail on Friday. http://str.sg/355

Among the conditions include the 16-year-old having to take down his blog post raising money for legal fees.



He stil look happy papaya ... and somemore eating banana leh...

Really have attitude problem...

I don't think he ever learn his lesson after the last episode...

I really hope that there will not be any bail for him...


Sometimes, some ppl really need to fall hard to learn how to pick himself up....

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20K can let me bring a girlfriend go Japan and enjoy for a month, with change to spare.


Or a 1 week shopping holiday in Europe.


Or one year depreciation on a BnB car, with road tax, insurance, parking and fuel thrown in.


Or some can donate to nation building. For that, I say thank you.

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This Anus fellow English think so good like to use sayings... yes I heard of 10 foot pole too, don't know whats his "fetish" with a 8 foot pole but if cut into 1/2 it will be the standard length of rotan

Have to say his English is really much better than some of us.

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Stay at cantonment hyatt or changi hilton?


Don't care where he stays as long as he can bloody hell wake up and admit his wrong doings and be a good man, not only to our country but also his parents whom must have been shattered by his recent doings....

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Don't care where he stays as long as he can bloody hell wake up and admit his wrong doings and be a good man, not only to our country but also his parents whom must have been shattered by his recent doings....

if like this my son kenna (or so screwed up) .... even suicidal thoughts will harbour me... seeing the parents walk out of the court expressionless and well attired and this kiddo monkeying up to the court with a banana in hand in bermudas as if he is visiting the zoo or going to beach party

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No friend? [laugh] [laugh]


Amos Yee is likely to spend the weekend in jail after no one turned up to bail out the 16-year-old today. The last registration for bail on Saturdays is noon. http://str.sg/3Sr

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