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Sightings of tropical swallowtail moth


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Are these moth sightings an omen? :ph34r:


First the barn owl. Then the unexplained dead fishes in Bishan. Now giant moths (some said are harbingers from beyond). These are signs that cannot be ignored. And after the 7th sign appears, it will be doomsday. COE will become $0. Winter is coming.

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Showed this picture to my wife and she say it's fake <_<

Mrs Monxtre. I assure you it's not fake. It's the world's LARGEST moth and they exist in Singapore!








Someone even STOMP it.




Luckily their appearance is seasonal and not as many as the swallowtails.

Edited by Pocus
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looking for a free ride, yeah?



ya...dun let Tuck Yew catch, sure ask to pay

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Wat if the thing fly to u while the lights are off ?? [sweatdrop]

If me, i use a vacuum cleaner & suck the bugger

u kill it, u get 7 years of bad luck, I tell ya.

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most importantly, how to chase them away?



why i ask? Cos theres one big one in my living room, above me where i m typing this,,,,,



Just go near to it n use yr hand to wave at it n say"Shoo....Shoo....Shoo. I tell u better Shoo or I tell your mummy". [laugh]

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Atlas moths more scary. I think even I will freak out..





Or these r known as skull head moth.


There is a image of a skull head on its back. [shocked]

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Yeah, 2 nights ago, i got one flew into my home. Rested there for whole night. I didnt wan to chase it away, coz i felt it needed a shelter somewhere to rest.


coming to midnight, when the whole family needed to sleep, i just off all the lights, open the main door so that the corridor lights shine in (i know it's attracted to lights). After awhile, it flew out and perched itself near the lights.


Morning came, i went to check it out. It was still there!


WHY ????? we Sporeans so scared of a little moth?????


I used to catch c0ckroaches n centerpedes n use as bait for fishing. [laugh]

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Are these moth sightings an omen? :ph34r:



Ya big ones sighted in Teck Ghee. They r a sign of impending doom.


And we all know which Minister is from Teck Ghee. [sly]

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Atlas Moth - World's Largest Moth Never Eats



It is not entirely certain where the atlas gets its name from: it could be from its huge size, with reference to atlas of Greek mythology, or it could refer to the patterns on its wings, which resemble maps in an atlas. In Hong Kong, the Cantonese name for it is “snake's head moth”. This refers to the snake-like shape of the pattern on the top wing tips.

Largest Species of Moth

Atlas moths are the largest species of moth in the world. The females have bigger, heavier bodies than males and larger wingspans too, ranging from 25 to 30 cm (10 to 12 inches), with a surface area of at least 400 cm² (62 sq in). Despite their huge size, the moths do not eat anything once they hatch from their cocoons. Both males and females lack fully-formed mouth parts; they rely on the sustenance they build up as caterpillars, for stored energy. They only live as hatched moths for two to three weeks.




The natural habitat of the atlas moth, is Southeast Asia, particularly around the Malay archipelago. They do not fly far from where they hatch, since they are very inelegant fliers and do not have enough energy stored for long journeys. They live purely to breed, so the fact that they do not venture far from their hatching area, allows for easy mating to occur.




There are some species of moth with longer wings, but the atlas moth has, on average, the largest wingspan in terms of area. These moths belong to the Satuniidae family. Other moths that belong to that family, include another impressive specimen - the luna moth.

The Atlas Moth Caterpillar

The atlas moth caterpillar has to eat a huge amount of food, to store enough fat for life as an adult moth. They eat citrus, willow leaves, and evergreen tree leaves. In India, the silk from the caterpillars is not farmed commercially, but the characteristic brown silk is used in a small-scale capacity. It is known as fagara, and is more durable than regular silkworm moth silk. The cocoons are sometimes used as purses or handbags in Taiwan.

The caterpillars hatch from small eggs that are laid on the underside of leaves. They hatch within two weeks and feed until they are about 115 mm (4.5 in), before pupating. The caterpillar has spines that are soft and fleshy, which protrude upwards from its back. They are coated with a white, waxy layer.




Wah u insectologist ah? [shocked]

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i always thought its so common sense or knowledge that these things (including flying ants) are attracted to lights....



Even human beings r attracted to the light.


If u alone in the jungle n see a light, u wil also go to the light cos then u wil think u r safe where there r pple n not lost anymore. [sweatdrop]

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Yes, I don't like insects ... :wacko: ... They are Evil ...



My wife n daughter also very scared of insects. I tell them u r 1000 times bigger than that spider etc so I think it is more scared of u. Imagine u see a creature 1000 times larger than u sure u also scared what. [sweatdrop][shocked]

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Atlas moths more scary. I think even I will freak out..





Oh ya. Atlas moths r huge. So huge like the Greek God Atlas he so big he can carry the world on his shoulders.


Thats how the Atlas moth got its name. [scholar]

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No lah

They remind me of my childhood



Ya all these insects r harmless lah. Why pple now so scared of these?


When we young we see also not scared. Lizards, spiders, c0ckroaches, centepedes, millipedes big black or red ants al just something for us to play with.


I stil see snakes wil catch just for fun. [laugh]

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