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White bicycle along coastal road.


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Before you have a go at him, are you able to back the above up too? I dun see any public evidence that tells us for a fact that the fault is with the driver or the cyclist.


The truck driver admitted he dozed off at the wheel if you really wana know.

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i used to cycle to work and on weekends, its true that back then in 2009-2011, there isn't a lot of cars on the road compared to now.

and i also observed that those involved in accidents are mostly those flashy road bikes.

not that i am against them or rather i am because of what i often seen on the road back and now.


The slower mountain bike riders seems to be more discipline. why is that so? i think it boils down to patience. road bikers gone into road bike because of speed.

where mountain bikers knows that there can never go too fast.


biking is for leisure, if you need to train and get selected for national event, then that should be done in a circuit, not on the road and in a group etc..

The road belongs to the commuters not just speed demon on road bikes.


and when there's pcn, use it.

I have been cycling to work since Dec 2007. From Strida to Bike Friday to Brompton. From PCN to Road.


The PCN was turned into F1 pit.


How to train cycling up Sheares Bridge in Circuit?


The key word is road courtesy.


There was an inquiry made to LTA on road tax for cyclist. The answer is backward looking.


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The truck driver admitted he dozed off at the wheel if you really wana know.


Sorry. My bad. I did not see that in any report I had read.

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I have been cycling to work since Dec 2007. From Strida to Bike Friday to Brompton. From PCN to Road.


The PCN was turned into F1 pit.


How to train cycling up Sheares Bridge in Circuit?


The key word is road courtesy.


There was an inquiry made to LTA on road tax for cyclist. The answer is backward looking.


LTA also replied that building and maintaining of roads come from general taxes and not from vehicular road tax, so anyone who argues road tax is making a moot point.

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LTA also replied that building and maintaining of roads come from general taxes and not from vehicular road tax, so anyone who argues road tax is making a moot point.


You very naughty ah, making a veiled pt that collecting road taxes is a moot pt.


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Back that up instead of sprouting nonsense like you are some Wiki. The two kids weren't on some flashy bike, the guy at Boon Lay killed a few days ago wasnt too.


Oh yes, the triathlete who was killed at Loyang was on a "flashy" bike. But he was knocked down by a stupid act of driving. Just like the stupidity that was in your statement that generalise things far too easily to your advantage.


On the two kids, whats the mentality of todays parent? Trying to show that their kids can handle themselve at such young age? Want them to explore the boundary of danger at younger age thus they can break their own comfort zone and excel much earlier than others?


I used to cycle to bus interchange daily donkey years ago when I am a mountain tortoise age 11 yrs old.. Back then, drivers were less stress up and more caring for others, less vehicle on the roads also. 99% of the road user knows whats keep left. When you walk up the stairs, you keep left also.

now, it seems world had change, when the right had space, you do not need to keep left,.....


Parents, some things can come later in life and it is absolutely no advantage to induce it at unripe age.

once wrong message is sent, it can be deadly.



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i used to cycle to work and on weekends, its true that back then in 2009-2011, there isn't a lot of cars on the road compared to now.

and i also observed that those involved in accidents are mostly those flashy road bikes.

not that i am against them or rather i am because of what i often seen on the road back and now.


The slower mountain bike riders seems to be more discipline. why is that so? i think it boils down to patience. road bikers gone into road bike because of speed.

where mountain bikers knows that there can never go too fast.


biking is for leisure, if you need to train and get selected for national event, then that should be done in a circuit, not on the road and in a group etc..

The road belongs to the commuters not just speed demon on road bikes.


and when there's pcn, use it.


It seems that you certainly have a disdain for riders on road bikes. Why ostracize this group of riders only?


It has nothing to do with the speed. How about those riding on bicycles with electric motors? Those can definitely go faster than road bikes anytime.


Road safety needs 2 hands to clap, the driver and the rider. If either party falls asleep or isn't careful, they will have to pay the price by going to jail or ultimately, death.


And this can happen on a fixie, BMX, mountain bike, Bangladesh worker's rusty bike or your average mum's market bike. <_<

Edited by Lethalstrike
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1st Gear

Next time I see you on a bike on the road I throw durians at you :D

Not push him down the bushes and uh-hum him?

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1st Gear

Next time I see you on a bike on the road I throw durians at you :D


Edited by 20G
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You very naughty ah, making a veiled pt that collecting road taxes is a moot pt.



It's part of the unrecoverable bit of our aarf, parf, or whatever the govt calls it on yearly/six monthly installment [laugh]

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What if she chiong further, rub my side and fell off? NB like that become my fault liao.


If one day our traffic law changed to "If proven rider's fault, then rider is liable for all damages and injuries caused", then I may consider...


last saturday's case abit sticky ... newspapers just reported that it was the vic who actually knocked into the stationary lorry !!??



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Not the first time and won't be the last time cyclist rams into stationary vehicle there and dies.

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