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  On 6/29/2012 at 2:37 AM, Roadrunner2029 said:

If I were American or in NASA, the first thing I will notice is how did the Chinese's rocket and fuel mix managed such high fuel efficiency, with very very little smoke. Compare this to the most recent space shuttle launch, the NASA booster rockets still produce a lot of smoke which indicates inefficient combustion and energy. Maybe fake one.. smoke edited on TV .. ? think harder ..


No it isn't fake.


China's launch vehicle uses liquid-fuel rocket engine in all its stages hence emits lesser smoke than the Space Shuttle


US Shuttles uses 2x solid-fuel motor SRBs (NASA calls it Solid Rocket Boosters) with 3x internal liquid-based engine. While in this SZ9 mission, the Long-March 2F ( 长征二号 or CZ-2) launch vehicles is based entirely on liquid fueled engine, including the boosters.


Liquid fueled rocket motor is also considered safer and controllable, but more complex.


SRBs separating while Obitor's onboard 3x liquid fuel engine continue to burn. Note the smoke comparison between the two propulsion systems.



Long March 2F @ launch phase with boosters on.


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  On 6/29/2012 at 7:21 AM, Roadrunner2029 said:

Not I say fake one.. read again. Its someone else politicizing science.


I notice that.


That is why I ignore those politically-biased flamebait and presented facts without going OT. ^_^


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errrr just some CON-sipracy theory.... they didnt really go into space but do it in a big warehouse somewhere in the dessert??? Just like the Americano... never really go into space [rifle][laugh]

Edited by Nlatio
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  On 6/29/2012 at 8:39 AM, Nlatio said:

errrr just some CON-sipracy theory.... they didnt really go into space but do it in a big warehouse somewhere in the dessert??? Just like the Americano... never really go into space [rifle][laugh]

I have a better suggestion.


Why not try Why didn't they go back to the Moon [;)]


or why the supposed cancelled Apollo 18 gone MIA during their classified mission in 1974:


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  On 6/29/2012 at 6:28 AM, Wishcumstrue said:

Mission Accomplished.


The 3 SZ9 crew 海鹏, 刘旺 and 刘洋 remains seated as SOP for health reason after long-duration in space.


Note the charred exterior of the SZ9 re-entry module.


I like this photo. Very, very reminiscent of the good ol' Soviet (now Russian) return-from-space reception. Even the capsule and suits look quite similar - so can see where they have got most of their technology.


In the Soviet or Russian version, the crew also receive bouquets, pose for photos seated in their suits, and their touchdown sites are also situated on flat, wide and remote grasslands.

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  On 6/29/2012 at 6:28 AM, Wishcumstrue said:

Mission Accomplished.


The 3 SZ9 crew 海鹏, 刘旺 and 刘洋 remains seated as SOP for health reason after long-duration in space.


Note the charred exterior of the SZ9 re-entry module.


talking about true science is good..... have ever think why china is doing all these..... ?

after going from a space trip and the space suit is still so white..... superb...

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  On 6/29/2012 at 2:19 PM, Lv3338 said:

talking about true science is good..... have ever think why china is doing all these..... ?

after going from a space trip and the space suit is still so white..... superb...


This is to show the world that "Made in China" can also be reliable. [laugh]

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  On 6/29/2012 at 9:37 AM, Sosaria said:

Very, very reminiscent of the good ol' Soviet (now Russian) return-from-space reception. Even the capsule and suits look quite similar - so can see where they have got most of their technology.


In the Soviet or Russian version, the crew also receive bouquets, pose for photos seated in their suits, and their touchdown sites are also situated on flat, wide and remote grasslands.


Yes, you are right.


They took the Soyuz capsule and launched into space..


Not much effort to do it, since they probably Bought the thing again and proclaimed it as a MIC program.. jeez... talk about "slapping the face to look fat"...



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  On 6/29/2012 at 9:37 AM, Sosaria said:

I like this photo. Very, very reminiscent of the good ol' Soviet (now Russian) return-from-space reception. Even the capsule and suits look quite similar - so can see where they have got most of their technology.


In the Soviet or Russian version, the crew also receive bouquets, pose for photos seated in their suits, and their touchdown sites are also situated on flat, wide and remote grasslands.


Actually, the Russian sold both its space technology and provided training for 2x Chinese astronauts in the 1990s after the USSR collapsed.

This was bonus for China which was setting out its own manned space program since the US was trying to stop any technological transfer.


So rather than re-inventing the wheel again, PRC decided to purchase the know-how and attempt to reverse engineer the technologies and re-design the system to suit their need. Hence the resembles will be there in the photo you see. IMO, it was also a blessing in disguise for China as the Russian system proves to be more reliable, robust and effordable than the American's shuttle system.


In fact, today even the Americans are dependent on the Russian Soyuz to commute to the ISS after retiring their Space Shuttle.

Here you see NASA astronaut Catherine Coleman "pose for photos seated in their suits" being carried by Russians ground crews after landing in some "flat, wide and remote grasslands" in Russia just last year in after travelling to ISS in Soyuz TMA-20 spacecraft.


Same practice, same SOP - but minus the flowers. :D



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  On 6/29/2012 at 2:19 PM, Lv3338 said:

talking about true science is good..... have ever think why china is doing all these..... ?

after going from a space trip and the space suit is still so white..... superb...


Bro, the history behind China's space program started right after the birth of PRC.

So will be a little too long for this forum.


Do help yourself in a little reading on this informative link from US-based National Defense University Press @



If you bothered to read, do take note of the name Qian Xuesen - he is the Father of China's space program and also a founders of the NASA Jet Propulsion Laboratory.




and so why are the spacesuits so "white"?

Well... I assumed they did some laundry at the space station before they return ! [:p]

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  On 6/30/2012 at 3:38 PM, Lurpsexx said:

They took the Soyuz capsule and launched into space..

Not much effort to do it, since they probably Bought the thing again and proclaimed it as a MIC program.. jeez... talk about "slapping the face to look fat"...


Both Shenzhou and Soyuz are different spacecrafts made separately in 2 different countries.

The similarity between them is the basic layout design of 3-module system which the Russian has sold the technology to PRC.

In fact, the US's Apollo system was also based on similar design.


Besides being larger, wider and heavier than Soyuz TM , the Chinese had re-design the both entire internal systems and enhanced major features to their own specifications. So despite superficial resemblances and allegations of copying, the Shenzhou is a different craft from Russian Soyuz.





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When it comes to space program and space exploration nowadays, it's not that US technology is declining or Russian and China tech is overtaking them.


It's all a matter of the size of their budgets. In democratic country like the USA, in order to pour in money into the space program, must first convince voters, pass it through congress, and several other approvals and obstacles that are hallmarks of democratic decision making. Lately, they've not been able to do the convincing, it seems, and have other pressing needs. So their space program languishes and slows down.


In dictatorial and authoritarian one-party ruled countries, the process is much, much easier. Whether their people agree or not, large sums can be diverted from other purposes into lofty efforts like space exploration. Want to shoot a rocket to the moon in the next few years also can... just that in some rural areas, some poor schoolkids will not get their free textbooks and milk for the year... okay, acceptable cost, comrade! [laugh]

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  On 7/1/2012 at 6:15 AM, Albeniz said:

Side-trek abit.


Did the americans really land on the moon in 1969?


It's a mystery. Interesting subject though with lots of debates on it's authenticity. Really fantastic how they do the docking manually in space when some even have great difficulty doing reverse parking back here on Earth. [laugh]

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  On 7/1/2012 at 2:51 PM, Count-Bracula said:

....Really fantastic how they do the docking manually in space when some even have great difficulty doing reverse parking back here on Earth. [laugh]


Sadly, missions involving docking had experienced near misses and even fatalities in the early days.


In 1971, the entire crew of Soyuz-11 cosmonauts were killed in space after successful completing the historical first manned-docking with Salyut-1 space-station. Before that, it took several failed Gemini and Soyuz missions in the late 1960s before US & Russia gained sufficient confidence and experience to perfect their rendezvous and docking technique.


All these lay the foundation for bigger Skylab, Mir, ISS and Tiangong space stations.

Today, they made the same difficult routine maneuver looked so easy.


Viktor Patsayev, Georgi Dobrovolsky, and Vladislav Volkov of Soyuz 11.


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  On 6/14/2012 at 6:11 PM, I-LOVE-CARS said:

The 2 candidates- Captain Wang Yaping (left) and Major Liu Yang (right) ^_^



One Year Later, Wang Yaping willl be onboard with 2 others Taikonaut on ShenZhou-10 later today 11 June at 5:38pm.





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