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ALL consolidated SMRT/NEL/KT.. simisai BREAKDOWNS here!


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Guys, need some advice

I bought a Kanenabeh power drill from a China website sometime ago

But after using them for a while, I realized that it started to strip my nuts badly

When I looked further, I realized there were some cracks in the gear

I contacted the shipper and they neogtiated a return to the manufacturer

Now, the manufacturer was kind enough to pay for shipping

But wanted 7 years to repair the parts

He told me that the cracks did not affect the usage of the tools

Do you think I should write off the tool

Or should I send it back for repair?

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imagine we buy car. then discover chassis got crack. 

but AD insists the crack is nothing, car is safe to drive.

but they want to take in your car, and give u a spare


Different comparison lah.


More like customer complain and the manufacturer accept it their product issue and under warranty agree to fix the problem at no cost to customer.


AFAIK, train deals don't have AD as go in between.

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Sorry, this isn't a "pertinent" question but more of a rhetorical one.

Since you completed the question and ended with a statement "they did so successfully", that pretty much a judgement call itself.

No ?


As you also agree this Story has been crafted in such manner that put suggestive opinions in ways that manipulates public perception while without giving concrete evidence that is  a "secret" operation.


That is the power of information (or misinfomaton) through media.


As I commented earlier, why jump the gun on the premise of a report made by an agency funded by unknown $ and run by non-Hong Kongers ?




I am curious ....


Your contention appears to be that this was not a "secret operation".

What, in your mind, would somebody need to  show to prove that the return of the trains, the problems and the cracks was not being done "in secret"?  


​I am taking "secret" to mean "not announced to the public and efforts taken to keep the news away for everyday Singaporeans"


We know for a FACT

1. The problems have been known about since at least 2013

2. The problems are serious enough that the trains have to be shipped back to China and "replaced"

3. There was not any public announcement of the "replacement" of 26 trains made by LTA / SMRT - while at the same time announcements of the purchase of a much lesser number of trains WAS announced.


How does this NOT imply that efforts were made to keep the news "secret"?

Guys, need some advice

I bought a Kanenabeh power drill from a China website sometime ago

But after using them for a while, I realized that it started to strip my nuts badly

When I looked further, I realized there were some cracks in the gear

I contacted the shipper and they neogtiated a return to the manufacturer

Now, the manufacturer was kind enough to pay for shipping

But wanted 7 years to repair the parts

He told me that the cracks did not affect the usage of the tools

Do you think I should write off the tool

Or should I send it back for repair?

My advise would be to stop using power tools on your nuts...

that would minimise the risk of serious injury to your parts

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I am curious ....


Your contention appears to be that this was not a "secret operation".

What, in your mind, would somebody need to  show to prove that the return of the trains, the problems and the cracks was not being done "in secret"?  


​I am taking "secret" to mean "not announced to the public and efforts taken to keep the news away for everyday Singaporeans"


We know for a FACT

1. The problems have been known about since at least 2013

2. The problems are serious enough that the trains have to be shipped back to China and "replaced"

3. There was not any public announcement of the "replacement" of 26 trains made by LTA / SMRT - while at the same time announcements of the purchase of a much lesser number of trains WAS announced.


How does this NOT imply that efforts were made to keep the news "secret"?

My advise would be to stop using power tools on your nuts...

that would minimise the risk of serious injury to your parts


:XD: :XD: :XD:

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Your statements would be true prior to LTA's rebuttal/response. But to say we are jumping the gun after both sides have had their say isn't fair. 


IMO, LTA's response is rubbish.


More like LTA's statements confirm factwire's drone videos.


It was Factwire that released the information first.


Might as well say my comments are all a lie since it is based on LTA's "rubbish" statement while ignoring HK media why of storytelling. [:p]


So what next ?   That by this exposure of this "secret" is itself evidence of illegal or immoral activity ?

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I am curious ....


Your contention appears to be that this was not a "secret operation".

What, in your mind, would somebody need to show to prove that the return of the trains, the problems and the cracks was not being done "in secret"?


âI am taking "secret" to mean "not announced to the public and efforts taken to keep the news away for everyday Singaporeans"


We know for a FACT

1. The problems have been known about since at least 2013

2. The problems are serious enough that the trains have to be shipped back to China and "replaced"

3. There was not any public announcement of the "replacement" of 26 trains made by LTA / SMRT - while at the same time announcements of the purchase of a much lesser number of trains WAS announced.


How does this NOT imply that efforts were made to keep the news "secret"?


My advise would be to stop using power tools on your nuts...

that would minimise the risk of serious injury to your parts

My person opinion...


The operation wasn't cover up as its common to cover item for oversea delivery by sea especially when this item is on a lowbed and going to be place at the TOP of all the container.

As for delivery at nigh. This is large item, Singapore traffic law dictate that these sort of item need to be deliver at night after peak hour with police escort. It's common amount the shipyard.


All the above are commercial dealing, I don't see why Msm need to report on commercial dealing....


However, the one we really can question is, why is such a serious defect still use the train? We don't have to know since its commercial dealing, but how can they use it?

Edited by Joseph22
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Might as well say my comments are all a lie since it is based on LTA's "rubbish" statement while ignoring HK media why of storytelling. [:p]


So what next ?   That by this exposure of this "secret" is itself evidence of illegal or immoral activity ?

Is keeping a secret "illegal" - depends on the law I guess.

Is keeping a secret "immoral" - well you're the one that suggested it, not me.  There are many secrets that should be kept, and others where it is important to make the effort to tell the truth....but this is in the eyes of the beholder...


Something to think about -

If you know that your brother's wife is having a secret affair - would you tell him?  Why or why not?  If you DON'T tell him - are you keeping a secret?  Is it "immoral" to keep this secret or "immoral" to insert yourself into what happens in your brother's marriage?

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Guys, need some advice

I bought a Kanenabeh power drill from a China website sometime ago

But after using them for a while, I realized that it started to strip my nuts badly

When I looked further, I realized there were some cracks in the gear

I contacted the shipper and they neogtiated a return to the manufacturer

Now, the manufacturer was kind enough to pay for shipping

But wanted 7 years to repair the parts

He told me that the cracks did not affect the usage of the tools

Do you think I should write off the tool

Or should I send it back for repair?

I say Orbigood... The brand name already screw u Liao still buy.
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All I can say is...


Thank god for the internet!


Else we will be kept in the dark about this and other issues.


And of course porn.

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As a layman, LTA reply provide more puzzle than answer. First of all, how can be that hairlines cracks on the bolster is not a safety issue, since the whole train is sitting on it? If the bolster give way when it is in operation, the whole train can be derailed?!




And if it is that straight forward, why can't we have the defective bolster replaced in Singapore say at Bishan or other depot that perform regular servicing, maintenance and repair? These depot will sure have the necessary lifting equipment to hoist up the train, and the new bolster can be installed in the similar manner as replacement of the steel wheels, why need to spend extra time and $$$ to have the train sent back to China??


And this is the most puzzling part:

Due to the nature of the defect, the most effective way of addressing it is to replace the entire car-body shell. As the trains were under warranty, we required the contractor to replace the entire car body shell. Hence, since July 2014, the affected trains have been progressively sent back to the factory for rectification works. The costs of the shipping are borne by the contractor.


i) Why need to replace the entire car-body shell instead of just the bolster?

ii) Why no annoucement of the repair / replacement work (since 2014) till 2 days ago when it was made public by some external parties?

iii) Shipping cost borned by the contractor? What about the downtime, labour cost, and not to mention the additonal monthly inspection and 3rd party assessment??

Can't imagine I got the answers to my earlier question from an overseas source, and my concerns (from a layman perspective) seems legit.



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Guys, need some advice

I bought a Kanenabeh power drill from a China website sometime ago

But after using them for a while, I realized that it started to strip my nuts badly

When I looked further, I realized there were some cracks in the gear

I contacted the shipper and they neogtiated a return to the manufacturer

Now, the manufacturer was kind enough to pay for shipping

But wanted 7 years to repair the parts

He told me that the cracks did not affect the usage of the tools

Do you think I should write off the tool

Or should I send it back for repair?


I suggest shafting it up where the sun don't shine. [laugh]

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All I can say is...


Thank god for the internet!


Else we will be kept in the dark about this and other issues.


And of course porn.

The Internet is for porn, the Internet is the porn, just grab your d i c k and double click for porn porn porn
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My person opinion...


The operation wasn't cover up as its common to cover item for oversea delivery by sea especially when this item is on a lowbed and going to be place at the TOP of all the container.

As for delivery at nigh. This is large item, Singapore traffic law dictate that these sort of item need to be deliver at night after peak hour with police escort. It's common amount the shipyard.


All the above are commercial dealing, I don't see why Msm need to report on commercial dealing....


However, the one we really can question is, why is such a serious defect still use the train? We don't have to know since its commercial dealing, but how can they use it?

I don't see the physical moving of the trains or the way it was done as "keeping a secret"...

the way this was done seems "normal" to me...


What I am more curious about is why the news about the return and replacement wasn't announced.

New train purchases are announced, signal upgrading is announced, more trains being put into service is announced, increase in train frequency is announced, addition of carriages to LRT is announced, cable ties was announced, findings of investigations of breakdowns are announced

Why was this not announced?  Wouldn't it fall within the ambit of similar news that was announced - so why wasn't this?

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I don't see the physical moving of the trains or the way it was done as "keeping a secret"...

the way this was done seems "normal" to me...


What I am more curious about is why the news about the return and replacement wasn't announced.

New train purchases are announced, signal upgrading is announced, more trains being put into service is announced, increase in train frequency is announced, addition of carriages to LRT is announced, cable ties was announced, findings of investigations of breakdowns are announced

Why was this not announced? Wouldn't it fall within the ambit of similar news that was announced - so why wasn't this?

I assume that's they think this is commercial dealing and since cost is bare by manufacturer (this need to verify) they don't feel a need to tell the whole world. After all it's Involve a foreign entities, why spoilt the relationship when u still need to repair?
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I assume that's they think this is commercial dealing and since cost is bare by manufacturer (this need to verify) they don't feel a need to tell the whole world. After all it's Involve a foreign entities, why spoilt the relationship when u still need to repair?

Do you think that in the current environment of reliability issues, and given that rolling stock is owned by LTA (aka - Singaporeans) and that "positive" news of a much smaller scale than this is announced - what is happening falls within "normal commercial dealing"?  (I added the normal as everything that is done by money is by definition commercial dealing)


In your opinion - is this "no big deal" such that it falls into the ambit of "day to day" operations?

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Do you think that in the current environment of reliability issues, and given that rolling stock is owned by LTA (aka - Singaporeans) and that "positive" news of a much smaller scale than this is announced - what is happening falls within "normal commercial dealing"? (I added the normal as everything that is done by money is by definition commercial dealing)


In your opinion - is this "no big deal" such that it falls into the ambit of "day to day" operations?

By ur statement, u seems to imply that if the current SMRT is running properly it is then consider a commercial dealing.


If that is the case.. Then it should be a commercial dealing under non bias situation.

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