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Ex-teen actor starts jail term for insubordination in NS


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Ex-teen actor starts jail term for insubordination in NS


FORMER teen actor Marcus Ng Yi Loong, 21, began his one-week jail term on Tuesday after he failed in his appeal to get his sentence for insubordination quashed.


The High Court on Tuesday upheld the jail sentence meted out by a Singapore Armed Forces (SAF) court martial in July last year. He was also reprimanded by a Military Court of Appeal for being rude to his superior.


This is the second time he has been hauled up since he started his military service in September 2006.


Ng, who holds the rank of Private, is perhaps best-known as the rebellious teen in the TV sitcom Phua Chu Kang.


Ng's troubles in the SAF began in October 2006 when his superiors at the SAF Medical Training Institute slapped him with four charges for offences including not obeying orders.


In February last year, while he was being investigated by the SAF legal process, Ng chased and argued aggressively with a 50-year-old woman Warrant Officer in his unit's Operations Room.


A Master Warrant Officer, a trained Commando, saw the altercation and intervened.


Ng rudely shrugged off the Master Warrant Officer's hand when he tried to calm the Private.


For this, Ng faced two more charges: one for insubordinate behaviour after the Operations Room argument, and another for improper conduct.


Last July, an SAF court martial found him guilty of these charges and sentenced him to seven days jail at the SAF Detention Barracks for each charge.


Unhappy with the sentence, Ng lodged a Notice of Appeal - a legal right for all SAF serviceman to seek redress - and was granted a hearing by a five-person panel chaired by Justice Choo Han Teck.


In the meantime, Ng was fined $500 for two of the earlier charges and acquitted on the other charges.


On Tuesday, Ng's defence lawyer, Mr Wendell Wong from Drew & Napier, said a jail term was 'the harshest punishment I've ever seen for this sort of offence'' and urged the panel to quash the convictions or impose a fine instead.


But Mr Luke Tan, head of Military Law at the Ministry of Defence, argued: 'This is akin to a case where a person is on bail. Has he learnt anything from it? No, he goes one up and goes after two other officers.'


'It would be inappropriate to give a little slap on the wrist by imposing a fine as that would be of little consequence to him.''


Some 25 people, including Ng's mother, Madam Florence Tan, 58, were in court when the panel reached a unanimous decision to uphold the first charge and reduce the second sentence to a reprimand.


He appeared teary-eyed when led away to begin his sentence.

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Saw this news article few mths back where "Ah Boy" from the local sitcom Phua Chu Kang was sentenced to 1 week in Detention Barracks (DB) which is the military equivalent to prison.


"Ah Boy" aka Marcus Ng Yi Loong (Picture left) may not ring a bell to many but if you were an ACS boy or old boy, you would definitely remember this a-----e as the punk who dragged ACS (ex-Barker Road, now International) Principal, Mr Ng Eng Chin (picture below right), through a year's worth of mud with false allegations of molestation way back in 2001.


Mr Ng Eng Chin (NEC, as is also known as) was my Principal during my time in secondary school. For the 2 years that I have known him, NEC is a good and straight up guy in school. So when the allegation that he molested Marcus during a counseling session, I knew right from the start that it was a lie. There was never a doubt in every cell of my existence to believe that NEC would do such a thing.


At the end of the investigation which dragged over a year, he was unanimously cleared, by the Panel of Inquiry, of all charges. In most cases, it would be a great relief but our faith in NEC was so great that there was no relief to speak of as we knew from the start that the investigation was merely a formality and that acquittal was inevitable.


Yes, NEC was exonerated but to be dragged through the mud bringing stress and hardships to him, his family, friends and supporters was certainly uncalled for.


Marcus Ng as far as I am concerned is a trouble making delinquent that ought to be hantam one time jialat jialat.


I read in disbelief when his mother told the press that "He (Marcus) is a well-mannered, humble and respectful person despite finding fame early..."


It makes me wonder if his mom is of sound mind or deliriously in denial.


Let it be known that a year after the investigation, at the age of 17 and no longer in the school, was put on probation on charges of assault and theft and a year before this case, he was convicted and fined SGD 1000.00 for disobedience and non-compliance.


To this I would say to Marcus' mom. Well-mannered, humble and respectful. NOT!









By the way, here's an interesting tidbit that I bet most of you would not have picked up. Marcus' family hired Drew & Napier's Wendell Wong to defend them.


Of all people Wendell Wong. Oh, the irony!


Mr Wendell Wong was ex-Deputy Prosecutor and tracing further back was Head Prefect of ACSS'87, President of the ACJC'89 Students' Counsel Ex-Co and one of the youth leaders of the Barker Road Methodist Church. In other words, he is a true-blue ACS boy and here in the ACS family, when you mess with one of us, you mess with all of us. That how strong our school spirit is.



Anyway, kudos to Wendell for his integrity and discharging his duties without prejudice under the circumstances. To this, I am humbled for if I were in Wendell's shoes, I would have to request to have myself taken out of this case for I would sure to be the "goalie that would purposely leak a goal or two".








To Marcus,


I sincerely hope that you would spend the time in DB to seriously reflect on your past mistakes. May you come out better and be a decent person.


If not, please continue to stay inside until you've truly learnt your lesson.


Try picking a fight with the warden or something.


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How long he serve his NS? 2006 till 2010?



Come out write a book about his prison time....and the sexual demands from the guards, cellmates, and how he survive his 7days in hell!



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This type of bugger will be MORE THAN A HANDFUL a few years down the road...


I guarantee you thast he will 'appear in the papers' again in the future! :D

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when he fight back ....


some say not obedience or respect, some say outspoken and fight for his right...


so how??


The keyword here is "Wake up your idea." [laugh]

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This type of bugger will be MORE THAN A HANDFUL a few years down the road...


I guarantee you thast he will 'appear in the papers' again in the future! :D


Why don't soldiers like him get run over by reversing trucks or smthg like that? :huh:

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i wonder whether DB now still has the super-siong physical training (do SOC with super-heavy backpack, tat's wat i heard)....doubt this marcus can tahan tat....

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In February last year, while he was being investigated by the SAF legal process, Ng chased and argued aggressively with a 50-year-old woman Warrant Officer in his unit's Operations Room.


this one takes the cake.


under investigation still not guai guai. try to whack a warrant some more. knn

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Why don't soldiers like him get run over by reversing trucks or smthg like that? :huh:


This type very smart when it comes to 'keng-ing'....


So he makes sure he spend his days in the office environment.... playing office politics which is his forte...


But he forgot the Army is NOT HIS FATHER"S ARMY unlike Ah Loong was when he was doing his time! [laugh]

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Tasted fame too early.

Thinks the world is his oyster.

In army, usually enchik or officers will not bother you if you just wayang and show fake respect!

The enchik and officers all want to protect their rice bowl...so 99% dont like to stir trouble for themselves too.


But to make officers and people angry in the army...really must be a very daring character to achieve what he did!!


Sooner or later when he come out to work..the people he will meet.....will be bigger b------ds than him........so if his luck is down......will sure to tekan him jialet jialet.


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i wonder whether DB now still has the super-siong physical training (do SOC with super-heavy backpack, tat's wat i heard)....doubt this marcus can tahan tat....


He will get some medical excuses before going in. 7 days easy to bridge. Make sure that he is not subjected to physical training. Our systems is not designed to deal with people like him. -_-

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