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50 Things to remember from my fond 80s childhood


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Bought from Yaohan? :huh:


Wow! Yaohan. I remember the one at Hotel Seaview, which became an IKEA then a Cold Storage I think. Can't for the life of me remember what's it now. Parkway started off with Yaohan as the first shop to open.


Here's another extinct one from the 80s in the spirit of CNY




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And of course the ever popular WesternBar (now also available on itunes!)


i can still remember the sound effect [laugh] [laugh]

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Wow! Yaohan. I remember the one at Hotel Seaview, which became an IKEA then a Cold Storage I think. Can't for the life of me remember what's it now. Parkway started off with Yaohan as the first shop to open.


Here's another extinct one from the 80s in the spirit of CNY


seaview hotel sold.. now is condo...owned by my ex company...

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seaview hotel sold.. now is condo...owned by my ex company...


Right. I should've guessed. Now almost all the land in that area has been converted to condos.


How can we forget this:


Brick Game? Thought that was pretty recent? In the 80s, it was Game & Watch!

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Ya I remember all these sticker books. Per pack is $0.30 or $0.60?


30c per pack with 3 stickers inside if i dun remember wrongly. there will be a few very rare pieces which u can trade.

i remember in school, there will be guys with ALOT of stickers n they will start a "gambling den" with those stickers. the banker will place a few decks of the stickers on the table n the players will put their wager on the decks they feel it will contain the highest number 1 - 255 ( if i dun remember wrongly )

winner will be the one will the highest number, banker will eat the rest and pay the highest

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Anyone remember the term goondoo in playing goli? Sup pow, go-stun pow in spider fighting? Hop scotch? Zero Point? bottle caps battle? Dumb(ok this a board game)?

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30c per pack with 3 stickers inside if i dun remember wrongly. there will be a few very rare pieces which u can trade.

i remember in school, there will be guys with ALOT of stickers n they will start a "gambling den" with those stickers. the banker will place a few decks of the stickers on the table n the players will put their wager on the decks they feel it will contain the highest number 1 - 255 ( if i dun remember wrongly )

winner will be the one will the highest number, banker will eat the rest and pay the highest


Yes, I remember gamle with those cards. [laugh]

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Anyone remember the term goondoo in playing goli? Sup pow, go-stun pow in spider fighting? Hop scotch? Zero Point? bottle caps battle? Dumb(ok this a board game)?


Sap pu I rem.... Bury under sand with a bit of the marble sticking out... Goondu cannot rem

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30c per pack with 3 stickers inside if i dun remember wrongly. there will be a few very rare pieces which u can trade.

i remember in school, there will be guys with ALOT of stickers n they will start a "gambling den" with those stickers. the banker will place a few decks of the stickers on the table n the players will put their wager on the decks they feel it will contain the highest number 1 - 255 ( if i dun remember wrongly )

winner will be the one will the highest number, banker will eat the rest and pay the highest


Still got electricity... Touch and your stake will be confiscated... Lol

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30c per pack with 3 stickers inside if i dun remember wrongly. there will be a few very rare pieces which u can trade.

i remember in school, there will be guys with ALOT of stickers n they will start a "gambling den" with those stickers. the banker will place a few decks of the stickers on the table n the players will put their wager on the decks they feel it will contain the highest number 1 - 255 ( if i dun remember wrongly )

winner will be the one will the highest number, banker will eat the rest and pay the highest


Wahhhh!!!!! i always wanna be banker!!! but always not enuf cards / Stickers!!!

scrimp n save all go buy stickers... then win more stickers and do a resale to the losers to earn back more $$$


Damn i was a businessman in my childhood! now, i just guai guai work for someone!

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Sounds more like 70s to me. I remember of all the "worlds", there was actually one that was called "Gay World".....


I spend most of my childhood in an amusement park in New World where they had a bunch of gaming machines (anyone still remember "Space Invaders") that uses 20 cents coins as token.


my fren used 20 cent to play for almost an hour .... he's that good at this game,


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Anyone remember the term goondoo in playing goli? Sup pow, go-stun pow in spider fighting? Hop scotch? Zero Point? bottle caps battle? Dumb(ok this a board game)?


Is goondoo the one u must hit b4 u got license to hit other players marble to kill them??? I play normal goli a little while only. Then move on to coins. 50 cent in the centre and all players put/bury 20cent within the circle. Must jit the 50cent 1st b4 got license to kill other players or got for the 20cent coins.


Me avg player only. No win no lose. [laugh]

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Anyone succeeded in blowing the toblerone chocolate like harmonica after watching the commercial? Just a curiosity since childhood, wondering if it's even possible.

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