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Chinese high and Hwa Chong scholar caught with Child Porn!!!


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The treatment he may get in HMP should be worse than caning..... The prisoners there should be quite rough....and Yorks is always wet and cold...


well... they DO like asian boys inside there and he's probably not streetwise enough to get protected...


per the law of the prison, rapist and child sex offenders are the bottom of the food chain...


i just hope he likes cocks because he'll be having alot of it in there... [laugh] [laugh]

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:D :D :D ....bet he didn't tot he would have been caught. But I must say he is quite careless in saving such things in school networks.

Sad, Uni should have been the best part of his life....but now......

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maybe if he continued uncaught, he end up like dr ong from acs...


fark i cant imagine a teacher secretly drooling at students...


is that why he wanted moe scholarship so he can teacher? OMG WTF

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Some ppl asked why the sch never disclosed any past bad record of this guy?


there are 2 sided to the coin.


If this guy has indeed turned over a new leaf and that by revealing his past record, ppl tend to judge his past and will not give him a chance.


Its as good as telling ppl, dont hire an ex-convict even if the petty crime that he did was like 20-30yrs ago.


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maybe if he continued uncaught, he end up like dr ong from acs...


fark i cant imagine a teacher secretly drooling at students...


is that why he wanted moe scholarship so he can teacher? OMG WTF


unlikely la...


too old...


maybe if he teach kindergarden [laugh] [laugh]

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The panel also have a responsibility to do a background checks on the candidates. During such checks, those records eg. public caning, criminal records if any, etc...should have been picked up. Testimonies are just a small part of the selection process.....there are more that to just a good result and testimonies.


so does that mean, if a person has public canning and criminal records might as well give no chance better? cos if ppl see bad record and yet give the person a chance and then the person ruin it, would the public asked why did MOE not exclude him in the first place since he has a past?


OT this guy a side, i think everyone sld not be judged based on the past.

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Some ppl asked why the sch never disclosed any past bad record of this guy?


there are 2 sided to the coin.


If this guy has indeed turned over a new leaf and that by revealing his past record, ppl tend to judge his past and will not give him a chance.


Its as good as telling ppl, dont hire an ex-convict even if the petty crime that he did was like 20-30yrs ago.




but i beg to differ the argument here is that whether this offence should have been omitted from his character reference at all?


the decision to award the scholarship is up to the panel... which in turns depend on the recommendation of the teacher/HOD ...


given the severity of the offence, the teacher should not made a call to omit this important piece of character reference and should have instead disclosed the full picture to the scholarship panel to debate and decide.


by omiting this piece of information, the teacher


1. was trying to play "kingmaker",

2 depriving a more worthy candidate from the scholarship. One which does not have such deviant sexual preference at least.


If you're a parent... would you be worried if you kid was studying in a school that allows paedophile since it was long time ago and he has turned over a new leaf as you said ?

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so does that mean, if a person has public canning and criminal records might as well give no chance better? cos if ppl see bad record and yet give the person a chance and then the person ruin it, would the public asked why did MOE not exclude him in the first place since he has a past?


OT this guy a side, i think everyone sld not be judged based on the past.

Doesn't means he will have no chance cos of the public caning. But at least the panel should know of such incidents and take it as part of their considerations in deciding who they will award the scholarships to. MOE is using public funds to supports the scholars in their educations, monthly expenses, books, air tickets, etc.... and I will expect more to be done in selecting who should get the scholarship. To say they didn't know cos that guy didn't declare is just not acceptable.

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Doesn't means he will have no chance cos of the public caning. But at least the panel should know of such incidents and take it as oart of their considerations in deciding who they will award the scholarships to. To say they didn't know cos that guy didn't declare is just not acceptable.


i agree...


to award scholarship or not, is not the teacher's call to make.... it's the panel's


by omitting the information is not acceptable.



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If you're a parent... would you be worried if you kid was studying in a school that allows paedophile since it was long time ago and he has turned over a new leaf as you said ?


its a yes and no.


for example, if ur son has been remanded in boys home and when applying for a gov job or some scholarship but was denied and u know it was due to his past, dont u feel ur son past will always come back to haunt him?


once a murderer doesnt make u a murderer forever. but well, human r selfish and unforgiving. but if we dont disclose and the person did not change his behavior, also cannot....but when disclosed, ppl tend to judge and then the person is not given a chance also not right.

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Basically just throw his supposedly bright future away....


Jail record is one thing, reputation and family is another. Really wonder what can he achieve after his release? Better plastic surgery and change name if he is coming back....


He is sure stupid enough to put the videos on intranet.



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its a yes and no.


for example, if ur son has been remanded in boys home and when applying for a gov job or some scholarship but was denied and u know it was due to his past, dont u feel ur son past will always come back to haunt him?


once a murderer doesnt make u a murderer forever. but well, human r selfish and unforgiving. but if we dont disclose and the person did not change his behavior, also cannot....but when disclosed, ppl tend to judge and then the person is not given a chance also not right.


it would be a pity... but the fact is that it happened....


but to hide the offence isn't morally or ethically right...



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There is this film about this guy who is into bestiality. He didn't frak a horse. He made the horse frak him! He died! So this film was the investigation of how he died. :o


:o Did the film investigate how he made the horse fark him??

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:o Did the film investigate how he made the horse fark him??


hmm... probably suck and lick the horse until the horse erected then applied lots of lubricant over his anus then allowed the horse to mount him from behind


need to investigate meh? [laugh] [laugh]

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its a yes and no.


for example, if ur son has been remanded in boys home and when applying for a gov job or some scholarship but was denied and u know it was due to his past, dont u feel ur son past will always come back to haunt him?


once a murderer doesnt make u a murderer forever. but well, human r selfish and unforgiving. but if we dont disclose and the person did not change his behavior, also cannot....but when disclosed, ppl tend to judge and then the person is not given a chance also not right.

Depend on the kinds of jobs and the kind of offences. For example, if a person once committed serious fraud like in the case of the SLA's....will you employed that person for the post of MD for finance? Maybe not...but you may employ him for the post of MD in charge of safety, etc... But generally...there is no such things such as 100% acceptance. Consequences of a mistake made is just part and parcel of how things are and is something we must all accept.

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Among all the crimes committed, paedophile might be the most serious simply b'cos it targets vulnerable people (children) who might not know the seriousness & unable to resist its perpetrator. They might in turn do the same to other children when they grow up.


It will be worrysome to most parents if they knew there is some1 like in possibly close contact with their children (same neighbourhood, teaching etc)

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In reply to the newspaper article,


So basically MOE is saying it's some1 fault but it's not their fault. Sounds familiar doesn't it? Guess this is the standard SOP when things go wrong next time

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Among all the crimes committed, paedophile might be the most serious simply b'cos it targets vulnerable people (children) who might not know the seriousness & unable to resist its perpetrator. They might in turn do the same to other children when they grow up.


It will be worrysome to most parents if they knew there is some1 like in possibly close contact with their children (same neighbourhood, teaching etc)




which is worse?


a kleptomaniac in the ministry of finance?


or a paedophile teaching?

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