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369 gang leader jailed for 2 killings


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You watch too many movies liao... He'll probably be forgotten in a year by his gang... Or maybe he will form his own gang inside Changi...


Or maybe he will get more street cred as a result of doing time, so after come out promotion.

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these gangs are rubbish ... want to fight ... go into the ring and barehands in unarmed combat

use weapons slash here and there ... better off send them to agfhan to fight talebans .... at least more useful ...

sounds like gd idea... should send these barrgirls to do community service in agfhan.

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Hrrr....how they excecude 24 strokes canning one har ?


One shot give all 24 ? Still continue on even when the guy fainted or skin tear until see bone ?


Or fainted liao, rest for a few days then continue serving the remaining strokes ?


0% installment plan lah, get to choose over 12 or 24 months. One shot whack kor liao, you think his kar chng made of stainless steel isit? [laugh]

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Neutral Newbie

the division manager was jailed because he instructed the attack ?? but how come nothing was done to the country GM??? the GM probably give the go ahead for such big operation as well!!! and who is the GM anyway ?? some elites or ??? [laugh][laugh]


The law needs to be fair. When MSK escaped it was the division managers that took the rap while the country GM

went away scott-free; not even feeling remorseful over his grave incompetency.

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