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Insurance Claim--- Need advice


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Neutral Newbie

Dear all,


i have an accident some time ago and though it is a very very minor one, with just an almost hardly noticeable line scratch of paint, i went the insurance way as the other party is quite yaya about it. I also have the right of the way as that guy cut into my lane and hit the back right hand side of my car.


Approach a 3rd party company which will liases with the insurance company to settle the claim. This company claim will be able to claim at least 20/80 and my NCD would not be affected. So go ahead and claim the insurance.


Received a letter claiming the other party insurance only willing to settle 50/50. Apparantly the other party claim i cut into his lane instead. Call up this 3rd party and they tell me they will get their lawyer to fight.


Received another reminder letter asking me whether i am willing to accept 50/50, else have to fight somemore and incur more cost which i would have to fork out myself if i loss the case.


Note, I did not have any camera with me to take photo on the spot as i am a SAF personnel. In this case, it is my words against his. Was really very angry. How can a person be so unethical and lie about other party hitting him when he is the one at fault. Another thing is that the claim was like 5k+ though the scratch was really a very small one. Can i request to check the claim and stuffs like tat?


Please kindly advise as i have signed an agreement with the company to let them settle and seem like i should not be interfering...

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Are there any witnesses standing by? This might be a difficult case as there are no prior evidence whatsoever.


In my opinion, even if you request to take a look at the damage, the other party would still shift the blame on you based on the lack of evidence.


The other party can claim against you not based on the minor scratches but psychological effect, or whatever reasons he can think of.


I do empathize you. This is rather a complex case. My advise to you is to find a witness who is willing to support your case or to settle it amicably to a 50-50 settlement. If you can afford to engage a lawyer, you can seek from his legal advises.


Hope this helps.

Take care. [:)]

Edited by Noel
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the moment you signed, you have already put 100% faith in the hands of that 3rd party workshop.

this 3rd party workshop will repair yr car (minimal) and jack-up a very hi-price to claim the other party, for a BIG profit.

this 3rd party will exercise his discretion in making his claim as his highest priority, regardless whether its 50/50 or 80/20.


unless you are very sure that you will win, else this 3rd party will just take the easy way out - note: "making his claim as his highest priority, regardless whether its 50/50 or 80/20"


i dunno how close, how geniune, how good your 3rd party workshop is related to you . . . . let me relate mine (many years back) to you for your thoughts.




a car rammed into mine, resulted in major repairs & hospitalization.

recommended me a 3rd party workshop in toh guan, claimed to be good - so i signed..........nightmare began . . . .



- tried to savage parts instead of replacing new

- car left untouched for many days, claimed that he couldn't find or replace my rims

- never fulfill his promise in replacing the agreed tires

- still charged me separately for the labor even i had to personally paid & delivered the rims to him

- tried to con & scare me that i shud not diasgree & duress me to accept 50/50

- tried to con & scare me that i shud not fight the case as the damage/value of car is small

(yet, his claim is MORE than the value of the car he calculated to me!!!)

- force me to take car even i complaint his workmanship is lousy



i had to do my own investigation reports with TP, & 3rd party investigator etc. to build my case

i had to get my own lawyer to reserve my rights in my personnel claims

i had to work with the other insurance party to realize how shitty this 3rd party workshop failed in my favour


sometimes, its your luck if you have met the right 3rd party workshop who is willing to work in your favour (though they still need to profit from you)


just remember: you have 3 signatories

- authority for 3rd party to work for you - you have already signed

- the satisfaction when reciving your car - you have no choice if you need your car

- the acceptance of final claims - YOU ARE ABLE TO TO CHALLENGE YOUR RIGHTS HERE!


just follow closely the outcomes, updates with the workshop you have entrusted to avoid unnecesary lost.


good luck


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Neutral Newbie

Dear all,


i have an accident some time ago and though it is a very very minor one, with just an almost hardly noticeable line scratch of paint, i went the insurance way as the other party is quite yaya about it. I also have the right of the way as that guy cut into my lane and hit the back right hand side of my car.


Approach a 3rd party company which will liases with the insurance company to settle the claim. This company claim will be able to claim at least 20/80 and my NCD would not be affected. So go ahead and claim the insurance.


Received a letter claiming the other party insurance only willing to settle 50/50. Apparantly the other party claim i cut into his lane instead. Call up this 3rd party and they tell me they will get their lawyer to fight.


Received another reminder letter asking me whether i am willing to accept 50/50, else have to fight somemore and incur more cost which i would have to fork out myself if i loss the case.


Note, I did not have any camera with me to take photo on the spot as i am a SAF personnel. In this case, it is my words against his. Was really very angry. How can a person be so unethical and lie about other party hitting him when he is the one at fault. Another thing is that the claim was like 5k+ though the scratch was really a very small one. Can i request to check the claim and stuffs like tat?


Please kindly advise as i have signed an agreement with the company to let them settle and seem like i should not be interfering...


Is the reminder letter from the other party insurance? If so, pass it on to your insurance and ask for their advice and get them to work out a deal with the other insurance coy. I was once involved in an accident and make full claim from the taxi bcos his passenger was my withness. 2 years later, the taxi lawyer sent me letter stating that I am liable for the passenger medical claim of up to $40K. They never sent it to my insurance so I pass it on to them and nothing happen for a few month then came another letter from another law firm ( representing the same taxi) claiming the court rules that I am liable for 50% claim from the passenger. Again they never copy my insurance coy and I sent it on my own to them and my insrance coy settle it for me. That was more than a year ago and I haven't heard anything since.


I asked my insurance coy why the other party keep sending letter to me instead of them, their respond was they do this as a scare tactic and hopefully I will panick and contact them and settle with them. Not sure how true but leave it to the insurance coy to settle. Good luck to you.



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Dear all,


i have an accident some time ago and though it is a very very minor one, with just an almost hardly noticeable line scratch of paint, i went the insurance way as the other party is quite yaya about it. I also have the right of the way as that guy cut into my lane and hit the back right hand side of my car.


Approach a 3rd party company which will liases with the insurance company to settle the claim. This company claim will be able to claim at least 20/80 and my NCD would not be affected. So go ahead and claim the insurance.


Received a letter claiming the other party insurance only willing to settle 50/50. Apparantly the other party claim i cut into his lane instead. Call up this 3rd party and they tell me they will get their lawyer to fight.


Received another reminder letter asking me whether i am willing to accept 50/50, else have to fight somemore and incur more cost which i would have to fork out myself if i loss the case.


Note, I did not have any camera with me to take photo on the spot as i am a SAF personnel. In this case, it is my words against his. Was really very angry. How can a person be so unethical and lie about other party hitting him when he is the one at fault. Another thing is that the claim was like 5k+ though the scratch was really a very small one. Can i request to check the claim and stuffs like tat?


Please kindly advise as i have signed an agreement with the company to let them settle and seem like i should not be interfering...


my views only as suggestion :-


check the attached file and see which scenario you fall into, maybe you can consult the workshop lawyer on this.

my understanding if there is no witness and hard evident, insurance would base on this BORA to claim. i would assume your workshop is your insurance authorise workshop.


for 50/50, is you pay the other 50% and the other pay you 50% for repairs.


i got two accidents before.

first accident is i got right of ways, but the other beat red light, and i did not look for witness nor i got car cam. in the end, i was put to blame entirely base on BORA. this happen at T-JUNCTION. the other party insurance rejected my claims. i did not persue.

second accident is i was hit at RIGHT REAR( not rear right ) by a lorry at BENDEMEER ROAD(ERP and old Fire Station) on lane 4. not sure what the other fellow wrote and the other insurance only wanted to pay 50/50 if i do not produce evident or witness. i give them the video clip and the other insurance agreed full claim.


although you have signed the form, but the workshop would feedback you on the other party intent and give you option for your path forward.

for insurance, they would refer to historical case and decide how they would arrive the claim amount. normally they would want the easy way out.


hope this helps.


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Dear all,


i have an accident some time ago and though it is a very very minor one, with just an almost hardly noticeable line scratch of paint, i went the insurance way as the other party is quite yaya about it. I also have the right of the way as that guy cut into my lane and hit the back right hand side of my car.


Approach a 3rd party company which will liases with the insurance company to settle the claim. This company claim will be able to claim at least 20/80 and my NCD would not be affected. So go ahead and claim the insurance.


Received a letter claiming the other party insurance only willing to settle 50/50. Apparantly the other party claim i cut into his lane instead. Call up this 3rd party and they tell me they will get their lawyer to fight.


Received another reminder letter asking me whether i am willing to accept 50/50, else have to fight somemore and incur more cost which i would have to fork out myself if i loss the case.


Note, I did not have any camera with me to take photo on the spot as i am a SAF personnel. In this case, it is my words against his. Was really very angry. How can a person be so unethical and lie about other party hitting him when he is the one at fault. Another thing is that the claim was like 5k+ though the scratch was really a very small one. Can i request to check the claim and stuffs like tat?


Please kindly advise as i have signed an agreement with the company to let them settle and seem like i should not be interfering...


see whose evidence powderful lor

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Good one. Cheers mate! [thumbsup]




only those who are experience enuff will fully understand what i'm trying to convey:


all 3rd party workshop will exercise their discretion in making their claim as their highest priority, regardless whether its 50/50 or 80/20


listen! please dun be naive that yr 3rd party workshop will try to 'fight for you to win'!

if they can get back their BIG PROFIT with minimal, effective & fastest way - they WILL DO it - whether if its in the expense of your insurance premium or not!


yes, you have the right to insist hiring lawyer to fight for you - provided that yr 3rd party workshop thinks its worthwhile or not.

if yr 3rd party workshop thinks that its only 50-50 chance, & if you still insist - he will either make your sign something that you are 100% liable for his compensation if you lose this case!

so whether you win or lose - the 3rd party workshop still got his profits - this is why they still exist today, & the insurance premium continues to go up but not benefited by the claimers/owners themselves!

so you must be very sure how to win else you may end up even 'backstabbed' by your own 3rd party workshop!!!


in TS case, both workshops will work with a 4th part to quantify the case w/o engaging any legal actions (of cos mah! to save unnecassary costing to lawyers so that they (workshops & insurance) themselves can earn mah!)

that's why they 'chud pattern', i.e. 50/50 - this way, all parties pay - but also all parties reap profit from this accident! the losers are always the car owners!!!


yes, there's always scare tactics, duress, c--k & bull stories! but it may come from your own 3rd party workshop so that they can get their profits asap w/o you getting in the way!

dun be blinded by them


always refer to your own insurance to check if your 3rd party workshop is working at your favour!!!!

you MUST keep an eye and have yourself updated consiously.


hope this message gives a good clear picture to all car owners when they engage their own 3rd party workshop!


i believe no one in this forum would had given such a clear picture as i do now.



Edited by A_korusawa
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Dear all,


i have an accident some time ago and though it is a very very minor one, with just an almost hardly noticeable line scratch of paint, i went the insurance way as the other party is quite yaya about it. I also have the right of the way as that guy cut into my lane and hit the back right hand side of my car.


Approach a 3rd party company which will liases with the insurance company to settle the claim. This company claim will be able to claim at least 20/80 and my NCD would not be affected. So go ahead and claim the insurance.


Received a letter claiming the other party insurance only willing to settle 50/50. Apparantly the other party claim i cut into his lane instead. Call up this 3rd party and they tell me they will get their lawyer to fight.


Received another reminder letter asking me whether i am willing to accept 50/50, else have to fight somemore and incur more cost which i would have to fork out myself if i loss the case.


Note, I did not have any camera with me to take photo on the spot as i am a SAF personnel. In this case, it is my words against his. Was really very angry. How can a person be so unethical and lie about other party hitting him when he is the one at fault. Another thing is that the claim was like 5k+ though the scratch was really a very small one. Can i request to check the claim and stuffs like tat?


Please kindly advise as i have signed an agreement with the company to let them settle and seem like i should not be interfering...


TS, your case is not difficult!

it lies in the overall damage & claims!

if the $$$ is not huge, most likely both parties will take either 50/50 or 80/20 to clear this - this is the only way to 'soften' your temper (if you still thinks that you are not wrong).


so you think that you have won !? but in fact, you already lost!

this is b'cos whether if its 80/20 or 50/50, you are still subjected to payment and your NCD will be affected.


say you are at 80/20, but if your damage is minimal & the other party doubles yours - then your insurance actually pays more than the other!!!


in the end, the workshops, insurance, surveyors, 4th party (or even legal fees) etc. got their profits - except you!


so its your call, its either you accept 50/50 or you must insist 100/0 for your case - depending how assertive and confidence you are!


how to win?

well, I cannot tell you exactly how (afterall, i receive no consultation fees) . . . . but at least I have told you how NOT to lose, or lose too much!


hope you appreciate that!



Edited by A_korusawa
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TS, your case is not difficult!

it lies in the overall damage & claims!

if the $$$ is not huge, most likely both parties will take either 50/50 or 80/20 to clear this - this is the only way to 'soften' your temper (if you still thinks that you are not wrong).


so you think that you have won !? but in fact, you already lost!

this is b'cos whether if its 80/20 or 50/50, you are still subjected to payment and your NCD will be affected.


say you are at 80/20, but if your damage is minimal & the other party doubles yours - then your insurance actually pays more than the other!!!


in the end, the workshops, insurance, surveyors, 4th party (or even legal fees) etc. got their profits - except you!


so its your call, its either you accept 50/50 or you must insist 100/0 for your case - depending how assertive and confidence you are!


how to win?

well, I cannot tell you exactly how (afterall, i receive no consultation fees) . . . . but at least I have told you how NOT to lose, or lose too much!


hope you appreciate that!




thumbs up for good advice!

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Neutral Newbie

Dear all,


thanks for the advises.


i have approached the 3rd party workshop to see what they have to say regarding my claim. They claim that i can see their lawyer and fight further if i want. My car was hit more to the rear side, putting me at an advantage over the other party also. So should i go ahead with seeing the lawyer and get advise? The workshop have assured me that i would not need to bear any cost for the legal charges.


Btw, the workshop is making a claim of >$5k for such a small damage. i peep at my folder when the guy was making call. They claim for the axis alignment and all that and beefed up the claim to that amount. When i ask the guy about the high claim amount, he just brush the topic aside saying that they need to claim higher amount to protect our interest. Seriously speaking, i think they just need to spend $100 to touch up my paint will do. So i was comtempting whether to bring the matter up to my insurance company and wonder whether there would be any implications in doing that.


Please Advise.

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Neutral Newbie

My advice is always to work with the insurance company. I had 2 accidents before, first was with my bro in law's car. Both are not my mistake but obviously the other driver claim otherwise. For the first case, we were with AXA and went to comfort delgro. They did all the paper work and assist to recover the claims from the 3rd party. The claims were finally settled and we won the case. Think it took more than 2 years and he relented. However, in between settlement, the other guy made a police report and claim to be hospitalized. Traffic police called and I was required to file a report as well. This was something like >3years. Anyhow, have not heard from traffic police since.


My 2nd case is with NTUC and we are refused settlement of 50/50. NTUC supported by my case and have engaged lawyers to defend our case. We have met up with lawyers on various occasions to sign affidavit etc. Case remains outstanding to date and understood that the case is pending for court.


In summary, I tried to do the right thing but it takes a lot time and effort is involved eg signing multiple docs, going to lawyers office etc. You need a lot of time and patience as it is going to be long drawn.

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Neutral Newbie

if you have signed the agreement, a discharge voucher, that indemnifies the insurance company and agree with their whatever decision, that is, there is nothing much you can do now. just wait and be patient to settle the matter.

yes, you already lost something here, when in doubt, insurance companies do a 50/50 NCD deduction, and they earn by charging us higher premiums or loadings over the next few years. There are no winners in such cases, only the insurance companies and insurance industry, maybe the not so honest workshops... [blush]


Do note that however if the other party gets a lawyer and it escalates into a civil suit, you can push it to the insurance company to handle, now that you have signed the discharge voucher agreement.




Dear all,


i have an accident some time ago and though it is a very very minor one, with just an almost hardly noticeable line scratch of paint, i went the insurance way as the other party is quite yaya about it. I also have the right of the way as that guy cut into my lane and hit the back right hand side of my car.


Approach a 3rd party company which will liases with the insurance company to settle the claim. This company claim will be able to claim at least 20/80 and my NCD would not be affected. So go ahead and claim the insurance.


Received a letter claiming the other party insurance only willing to settle 50/50. Apparantly the other party claim i cut into his lane instead. Call up this 3rd party and they tell me they will get their lawyer to fight.


Received another reminder letter asking me whether i am willing to accept 50/50, else have to fight somemore and incur more cost which i would have to fork out myself if i loss the case.


Note, I did not have any camera with me to take photo on the spot as i am a SAF personnel. In this case, it is my words against his. Was really very angry. How can a person be so unethical and lie about other party hitting him when he is the one at fault. Another thing is that the claim was like 5k+ though the scratch was really a very small one. Can i request to check the claim and stuffs like tat?


Please kindly advise as i have signed an agreement with the company to let them settle and seem like i should not be interfering...


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Neutral Newbie

want to share something here..


years ago got involved in an accident.. waiting at the traffic light for the light to turn green..then came a knock behind, look behind and saw another car kiss my rear..got out and confronted the lady driver..she was sms-ing and driving and she confessed she knocked into my car..the damage is minimal and only a slight dent.


the lady exchanged particulars with me and i took photos as well...she then called her dad and ask me whether can settle privately..being a noob and all..i said no..then i drive off to idac to make a report.


later received a call from the father of the lady and he still offer me go his workshop to get it repair..i still insisted no


so i called up my friend and he recommended me to go his "trusted workshop"..drove there the next day and he said will settle everything for me as his WS got own lawyer etc..so i just sign some documents and left(dun even know wat i signed)..the boss told me my car will be ready in 4 days! i was thinking to myself..such a minor repair take 4 days? really meh?


4 days later and after tons of inconveniences taking cab/mrt/buses finally received the call from the WS boss asking me collect back my car..upon checking on the car..i realised that the WS didn't even replace the rear(dunno the term) as the boss claimed..how i know? coz my behind got a unique "black dot" which is there since the beginning..i think to myself nvm..then i check the reverse sensor...the beep sounds different..so i ask the boss..he said change to a original one...i told him the beep is different..he said its like that one..being noob..i just take the car and leave.


1 year later the WS called me and said the case settled..can go down his WS sign some documents and get some "money"..i just went and got $200 as "loss of use"..i ask him how much is the claims..he said $4k!


dunno my story relevant or not..but the only pple who earns is the WS+insurance+lawyer...although my premiums didn't increase but to think that the WS just repray some paint and give me a possible 2nd hand sensor pissed me off..on hindsight i shld have taken the lady's father offer to repair at his WS..possibly under $200 can settle..i claim against him and he paid higher premiums for insurance..yet i kena ripped off by WS..


well..once bitten twice shy. i will weigh the pros and cons the next time i encounter this kind of situation :angry:

Edited by Waffenss
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want to share something here..


years ago got involved in an accident.. waiting at the traffic light for the light to turn green..then came a knock behind, look behind and saw another car kiss my rear..got out and confronted the lady driver..she was sms-ing and driving and she confessed she knocked into my car..the damage is minimal and only a slight dent.






dunno my story relevant or not..but the only pple who earns is the WS+insurance+lawyer...although my premiums didn't increase but to think that the WS just repray some paint and give me a possible 2nd hand sensor pissed me off..on hindsight i shld have taken the lady's father offer to repair at his WS..possibly under $200 can settle..i claim against him and he paid higher premiums for insurance..yet i kena ripped off by WS..


well..once bitten twice shy. i will weigh the pros and cons the next time i encounter this kind of situation :angry:


I really pity the lady driver and her dad [smallcry]

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