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Victim of chain collision... how to claim insurance?


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Expert advice pls:-


1. Car had just filtered into expressway (PIE) and already fully on the left lane (got pictures to prove) of the expressway. Travelling at slow speed due to traffic. I was just beginning to accelerate slightly.

2. Immediate ahead was another exit. A cab was cutting towards the left in order to exit.

3. Van ahead braked cos the cab cutting in.

4. I saw the van way ahead and also braked. No collision then.

5. 2 sec later, a dreaming van crashed into me. The impact was so great, it pushed my car about 2 meters and I hit the rear right of the van. Its rear right lamp was damaged.

6 My rear bumper was almost totally flattened. My front left was damaged - lamp broken, side panel crushed.

7. Taxi who caused the entire accident was not hit at all. But, he was kind to stay behind and exchanged details.


I cannot understand what the rear van was thinking. I braked at least for a full 1-2 sec and he should have sufficient time to brake if he was paying attention. I also cannot understand the big impact as we were all travelling at low speed.


The van driver behind was apologetic when he got out of car. Agreed verbally to claim insurance. All 4 cars exchanged details. We took pictures at the site of the accident.


I believe I am not at fault at all. So, I have proceeded to claim third party insurance.


Now, I am getting slightly uneasy if in case, the back Van claim that I have hit the first van infront first. I wonder how I can help to prove my case with the insurance company as I am sure I did not hit the van infront first. It was a full 2 sec before the van behind hit me.


any advice on this matter? E.g. things or pictures I should highlight to prove my case? i.e. i was hit first from behind and caused me to hit the van in front...thanks...


anyway, was really sad cos that day I purposely drive extra careful cos there were passengers in the car and it was after rain, traffic was heavy. I intentionally drive slowly and yet this happen... dunno what these drivers are thinking... sad. My car is only 1.5yrs old and suffered quite a heavy damage, front and back. anyway, thankful that no one was injured though the back impact was quite heavy...



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Frankly, there is nothing much you can do, but report to your insurance company abt the accident and let them settle the case.


Remember to give them any photos or written statements about the incident.


Good Luck, hope all is well.

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take lotsa photos... all send to insurance company...


dun worry... your workshop will know what to do...


claim car damage .... claim whiplash... claim rental car... claim loss of use....



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Agree on this...........if you cant beat them, might as well join them. [laugh]


take lotsa photos... all send to insurance company...


dun worry... your workshop will know what to do...


claim car damage .... claim whiplash... claim rental car... claim loss of use....




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ya no wori on ur part. heard according to BOLA. the last vehicle will kena claim jialat jialat :wacko:


meanwhile u'll have to live w/o ur cars for few days <_<

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Now, I am getting slightly uneasy if in case, the back Van claim that I have hit the first van infront first. I wonder how I can help to prove my case with the insurance company as I am sure I did not hit the van infront first. It was a full 2 sec before the van behind hit me.


Even if you hit the van in front first, the van behind had no business hitting you.


If you hit the van in front first, then the sum total of the damage in front should, in theory at least, more than the damage behind.


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Even if you hit the van in front first, the van behind had no business hitting you.


If you hit the van in front first, then the sum total of the damage in front should, in theory at least, more than the damage behind.


My rear bumper is pretty depressed. Boot cant close. Van's front has huge dent that's all.


Front left lamp broken. Side panel dislocated.


Actually, on 2nd thoughts, hard to say whether rear impact worst then the front.


however, after the impact, my car was stuck closer to the front van then the back van. Maybe this prove that the impact was from the back van that caused my car to move forward so much?

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dont think too much. im sure u're stressed up after this whole ordeal. relax ok.

just leave it to your insurance company and their lawyers to claim damage+medical.



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agree with some of the bros here..


dont think too much.. you cant help it if others wanna cook up ridiculous stories....


i kena hit by a taxi too recently when he didnt check blind spot, hit my rear as he filters in.. still say im in HIS lane..


I super sian.. know for sure he will say nonsense.. but there is nothing i can do.. so submit pictures, let insurer do what i paid them to do.


Take it easy mate.. hope u will get things your way.

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yea. TS nth much u can do now. just send wadeva pics u have to the insurance co.


try to relac and try to slp it off also. in the mean time go see doctor den get ur ws to give u a replacement veh.

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Neutral Newbie

I was also a victim of a minor accident today. I was at the right turn lane where a dreaming lorry, hesitating to turn or not just cut into my lane without signalling and I horn him but he had no reaction. The driver was a foreign worker with licence less than 1 yr and he say he would compensate me as he did not wan any trouble. But due to his low salary i try to ask compensation from his company but his supervisor say just claim insurance. So i was wondering wat are the chances of successful claim.

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just let your insurance companies do their job. u paid insurance not for fun, and i really mean it. u pay for them to handle *touchwood* cases like this.

just relax don't gan cheong spider. let them do their job. it will take months though.

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Neutral Newbie

just claim the vehicles hit your back..as i understand that when chai collision happen,they won't claim from the insurer of the vehicles which at fault..unfortunately the front vehicle u hit will claim your insurance...my uncle have been in this situation 3mths ago which involve 6 vehicles..

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thanks for all the advises and concerns... i'm feeling better.


looks like nothing i can do except to let the insurance do their job and hope the van driver behind plays it steady and gentleman...


this is 2nd time i have been kissed in my new car... none of which were serious jam brake cases. I'm always stationary for at least 2 sec before a dreaming driver will crash into me...


i can think of 2 possibilities:-


1. i think my car is being camoflouraged into the road. it is dark grey so maybe slightly more difficult to spot on the road esp during evening time. That's why i usually on my headlight early so that if they miss the grey, they can at least be alerted by the red rear lights...


2. the quality of drivers in SG is getting bad or reckless. Too many jams and too many aggressive heavy vehicles drivers around - these drivers have little to lose as their vans are solidly built. They probably dun own the van so just whack the car and the diesel. Sorry if I appear stero-typing.. but that is based on my observations.


For e.g., just last sun when driving the replacement car, I was approaching a a cross-junction with traffic lights green in my favor. Some cars in oppposite direction were turning right. So I just flash my hazard light as a warning that I am coming. Every turning car stopped except one super garang lorry driver. I was almost across the traffic light when he still turned at fast speed! I really wonder who has right of way! I have to brake hard to avoid the collision. Good thing I already slowed down and practice defensive driving. If not, such collision will be serious. The bugger just turned and go on his way, no hoots about that he almost caused a life-and-death accident.... [pirate]


Seriously concerned abt the state of our roads...sigh. What is the govt doing to protect the interests of the commuters on the road?? [bigcry]

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As for your case, think the front Van will make a claim on your insurance and you will claim all damage on rear van. Of coz, your NCD will also be affected although it was not your fault. Anyway, just file a report to your insurance and seek for their advise. Good luck.

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Neutral Newbie

I was recently in a similar accident as yours.


From what I've heard from workshops, the statement from the driver of the car in front is important. If he said he felt 2 hits (1st hit is your car hitting his; the 2nd is from your car hitting his car again after the van behind hit your car, causing your car to hit the car in front), then your case is very weak. If the driver of the car in front said he only felt a single impact, then your case is much stronger.


Hope that helps.

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wah bro... almost same case as me....


mine 6 cars... i was the 5th.... all 4 infront crashed liao... i was the 5th and stopped in time... then the 6th came along nd CRASHED into me and i hit the 4th... WTF....


6th was P plate... said sorry... cause i hit my head and was bleeding slightly....


i got my medical claim + small compensation abt 1k + my car repairs ALL FULLY paid and settled by the 6th car in a matter of months....


almost 3years since the accident, so far claims still going on... now the 2nd car is claiming from my insurance still... my STUPID lawyer representing NTUC made me claim 30% liability with the 6th car for the 4th car... i said no way.... but must go court testify all... and the lawyer advised me to just accept... WTF? anyways so lost my NCD (more than 20% will bye bye NCD)... so the 3rd and 2nd and i believe the 1st will all claim from me and the 6th car...


however confusing this is, just remember this... chain collision, it is NEVER the last car's insurance pay all....


anyways good luck to you... [:)]

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