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Accident Advice needed


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I just involve in an accident. Bang in the back and result me banging the car infront. However the front car just have 1 minor scratch due to the distance i keep and they have informed not to claim.


May i know if my NCD will be affected if they don't claim?




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The collision on your front is due to the force from the back or did you hit onto the front vehicle first?


Any written note when front vehicle says they will not claim from you?

They may just bite you from behind...

Edited by Civic6656
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May i know if my car and the other party car paint came off. whose at fault? need help. tks@@


Who banged who?

Front, side, rear impact where?

Got take picture at accident scene?

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Neutral Newbie

The front car has every right to make a claim. A verbal agreement of not claiming does not constitute to anything so you will be liable if he decides to claim against you. Also, it is mandatory to report an accident to your insurer within 24-hr regardless of the nature of the accident. If your insurer found out you met an accident and didnt report to them, they have the right to deduct 10% NCD from you.


Unless you are very sure that a private settlement with written agreement has been reached between all parties where no one will make a claim, you are still at the mercy of the front driver.

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Hi all


Thank you for your advice. I just cross my finger that the front car do not claim me.


As this is the first time i got into an accident after more than 7 years of driving. It is a pain to find a workshop that will do third party claim, many just ask you to claim own 1st. Especially when i send it back to my agent/dealer they do not wish to take in my car if i insist on TP until they have obtain the insurer acceptance of liability. in the end i withdrew my car and sent to a small workshop that is willing to do a TP claim for me.

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Just make a report to your insurance company.

Coz, if u dun report it and the front car file a claim, it would affect you NCD for failure to report.


Just remember on the accident report, indicate that due to the impact from the rear car, it lunges ur car forward and hit the front car.



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But this will sabo the last guy. Its his fault, but still. Every claim made in Singapore will most likely cause overall insurance rate to raise again. There is no escape whether who is at fault.


Its your call lah. Hope everyone is gentlemen & keep the agreement, or play safe & report the accident.


By the way, did the last car driver pay for the damage of your stretches?

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I met with my very first car accident yesterday [:(] while driving on the second lane along Bideford Rd,paragon ss exit,my car has been sideswipe by a lorry. The lorry was from the right lane and trying to get into the second lane- the very last minute. But instead of signalling and move in systematically,it juz dash in. I managed to swerve left and the lorry only hit my side mirror and left some scratches on my left car body.

I was shocked but that doesnt stop there. The lorry juz speed off and i trail it and managed to drive by its side and horn,trying to make it stop. I even waived,the driver saw it and ignored. [mad]

Being the first accident,i juz went blank. I then called triple9 and seek advice. They advise me to get the vehicle nbr and description and gave me a rpt nbr. Later,TP called me and told me not to trailed the vehicle as they will take the case as a hit & run.I went to file in accident rpt @ NPC and as advice by my insurance,i got to go to IDAC tmrw.


Please anyone advice me, the damages is minor on scratches of my car left side. If i wanna claim,according to the insurance,i got to put in excess 600dlr. But my colleague said that the repair cost is lesser than that tru his experience. Does that mean i better off used my own pocket money. Appreciate if anyone can adv me.


Thanks [thumbsup]

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