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No sure how true this is but i heard before but place i think differs from this , the one i heard happened at changi and not taiwan maybe it is two different incidents, as for fight if lose DB this one confirm. But that was years back , maybe it has changed.


walau... damn sad...

after kena hantum jialat jialat, still kena charged to DB?

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no night training as in out-of-camp, e.g. go into the jungle or on top of botak hill .....


not just camping behind the bunks or in the parade square.....


The Thursday no out field fake 1 lar..

During my active time...as a driver dunno attach how many times in outfield on thursday night.

Outfield places such as LCK area A till F, ama keng etc

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How about the Tekong recruit who was found dead with intestines all ripped out and his M16 dismantle put in front of him? this is an infamous story.... anyone can verify this?


Yes, its true... no pork in Tekong. i got a friend who spend BMT in tekong. i cant rem which camp. this was in the 1989 or 1990. Someone brought in pork and kept it in his cupboard on that book-in night. In the middle of the night, his cupboard was thrown down by itself from his bunk onto the parade sq or first floor.

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Neutral Newbie

This might be another incident as yours. Cause my cousin during his active time in the 90s. in his platoon, he got one platoon made who shoot the PC and then turn and commit sucicde at the range. but i am not very sure of the whole incident.



The shooting of PC incident was around Sep 1993. I was enlisted on the 1st Sep 1993 into Dragon/Delta company in camp 1 which is my very 1st day in "devil island", my platoon mates were talking about this shooting case and we thought, ho say liao, we will not get tekan......... but we still get it after all :D



By the way, this shooting fiasco was from Alpha company.




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From: jly69 25/01/2007 21:13

to: PASSINGTHRU2 49 of 91

130534.49 in reply to 130534.47

I was told this story by 2 fellow reservists during my 1st ICT donkey years ago.


Story 1:

Told by old c--k private (really old c--k, he was 30+ while we were 22 then) in my section. This guy was a sailor and escaped ICT all the while since he was sailing but got caught up this time. He was 1st batch NS. Told us those days were real crazy, police has no jurisdiction over them, only MP can arrest them. He was in Beach Road Camp. At night, the sergeants will bring all of them to the bars and what not for drinking in their uniforms. They got into fights. At one bar, they were outnumbered by the pai kias, kenna surrounded and whacked. One managed to escape during the melee. Reported to their CSM. CSM assembled the entire company (those that did not book out), issued them SLRs (no M16s then) and they surrounded the bar. Pai kias surrendered. Pai kias kenna whacked properly, not just fists - kenna rifle butts. Police from Beach Rd Police Station came but don't dare do anything.



Story 2:

Told by another NCO (another old c--k who was 3 or 4 years older than us). This guy was 1st batch armoured (1970), trained as vehicle commander of V-200 armoured cars. They went through the same conversion course with all the lao jiao sgt & WOs, like famous Inche Ong, under the Israelis. There were a lot of AWOL cases during those days. One of the duties of BOS was to go look for the AWOLs at the stated address. One night, his friend was BOS and had to go to Bt Panjang Cheng Hwa village to look for AWOL case. He told his friend it is notorious pai kia area, better be armed. The BOS armed himself with a Browning automatic pistol before leaving.


When the BOS returned later that night, he told him that fortunately he heeded his advice and armed himself. Apparently when he went there and enquired about the AWOL case, he was confronted by a gang of pai kia. One of the pai kia abused him "Un chua? Lia jao peng ah? knnbccb! (Why? Catch deserters? knnbccb!)" This guy very garang, told the pai kia off "Un chua? Bei sai ah? Limpeh choot merng bo tua peh bu kor lung kan, lu ai kan seng kan lu eh lau bu! (Why? cannot izzit? I don't bring my parents around to be f--ked by others. You wanna f--k, go f--k your mother first!)". The pai kias immediately advanced at him with bottles and sticks. His driver went pale. He told his driver "Don't worry. Steady". He drew his Browning automatic and cocked it. Pointing it at the pai kias, he said "Un chua? Ai pak gua? Limpeh pak lu si ah! Limpeh lia jaopeng, cheng peng sah, pak si lung boh sala! lai la! (Why? Wanna whack me izzit? I'll kill all of you! I am here to catch deserters in army uniform, no offence for killing all of you! Come la!)". The pai kias backed off immediately. He then told the driver "eh, quick, get into vehicle". Both then got into vehicle and drove off. He told all the other NCOs back in camp "Next time anyone go catch deserters, better arm yourself."


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1) Ghost Stories


- Charlie Coy 3 door bunk


This was discussed at length at SB many years ago. Can anyone find the link?


I was in Charlie Coy in 1992 Sep - Dec. The 3 door bunk had been used as store room already. Nothing happen during my 3 mth there.



2) Fighting stories


- Recruit shoots officer at Tekong range circa early 90s

This happen to my poly classmates plantoon (He was the section commander). The officer shot dead was the PC.





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From: jly69 25/01/2007 21:13

to: PASSINGTHRU2 49 of 91

130534.49 in reply to 130534.47

I was told this story by 2 fellow reservists during my 1st ICT donkey years ago.


Story 1:

Told by old c--k private (really old c--k, he was 30+ while we were 22 then) in my section. This guy was a sailor and escaped ICT all the while since he was sailing but got caught up this time. He was 1st batch NS. Told us those days were real crazy, police has no jurisdiction over them, only MP can arrest them. He was in Beach Road Camp. At night, the sergeants will bring all of them to the bars and what not for drinking in their uniforms. They got into fights. At one bar, they were outnumbered by the pai kias, kenna surrounded and whacked. One managed to escape during the melee. Reported to their CSM. CSM assembled the entire company (those that did not book out), issued them SLRs (no M16s then) and they surrounded the bar. Pai kias surrendered. Pai kias kenna whacked properly, not just fists - kenna rifle butts. Police from Beach Rd Police Station came but don't dare do anything.



Story 2:

Told by another NCO (another old c--k who was 3 or 4 years older than us). This guy was 1st batch armoured (1970), trained as vehicle commander of V-200 armoured cars. They went through the same conversion course with all the lao jiao sgt & WOs, like famous Inche Ong, under the Israelis. There were a lot of AWOL cases during those days. One of the duties of BOS was to go look for the AWOLs at the stated address. One night, his friend was BOS and had to go to Bt Panjang Cheng Hwa village to look for AWOL case. He told his friend it is notorious pai kia area, better be armed. The BOS armed himself with a Browning automatic pistol before leaving.


When the BOS returned later that night, he told him that fortunately he heeded his advice and armed himself. Apparently when he went there and enquired about the AWOL case, he was confronted by a gang of pai kia. One of the pai kia abused him "Un chua? Lia jao peng ah? knnbccb! (Why? Catch deserters? knnbccb!)" This guy very garang, told the pai kia off "Un chua? Bei sai ah? Limpeh choot merng bo tua peh bu kor lung kan, lu ai kan seng kan lu eh lau bu! (Why? cannot izzit? I don't bring my parents around to be f--ked by others. You wanna f--k, go f--k your mother first!)". The pai kias immediately advanced at him with bottles and sticks. His driver went pale. He told his driver "Don't worry. Steady". He drew his Browning automatic and cocked it. Pointing it at the pai kias, he said "Un chua? Ai pak gua? Limpeh pak lu si ah! Limpeh lia jaopeng, cheng peng sah, pak si lung boh sala! lai la! (Why? Wanna whack me izzit? I'll kill all of you! I am here to catch deserters in army uniform, no offence for killing all of you! Come la!)". The pai kias backed off immediately. He then told the driver "eh, quick, get into vehicle". Both then got into vehicle and drove off. He told all the other NCOs back in camp "Next time anyone go catch deserters, better arm yourself."



This one sound like "police story". HK style.

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Neutral Newbie

During my time in tekong (2001), my instructors told us not to book in with pork items. If found, need to throw away.



BUT, when i went to unit and there was this time where we need to go tekong for exercise. Because we are amour and we got tanks, we were used to and will usually hide canned food inside our tank while outfield.


I warned my men not to bring pork food into tekong. But some really bo chap and loaded in ample supply of "ba ting" ,pork luncheon meat...etc.


Well, in the end nothing really happened. I, too ate some of the pork luncheon meat. Haha



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Recruit Shoots Officer at Range


Confirmed one incident in Mid 1993 before my enlistment. The officer shot was my classmate's brother. No much details about the shooting except it happened at the range and iirc, the recruit shot himself later.


Following up Nov 1993, 3BTS, Echo Coy. One recruit shot himself at Yishun 100mtr in the morning. Died despite chopper lifted to hospital. I was in Foxtrot and we waved at the chopper when in came in and left cos the PTI told us to do so. No idea at all until much later.


Soldier Buried Alive

True. It happened late 80s or early 90s. Maybe not exactly foxhole but Battalion Command Post or sometype of larger field fortification.

Plant Engineers (those guys who operates the heavy machiney such as exacavator, bulldozer) were supporting Field Engineers to build underground fortifications. These excercises last afew days and nights, non-sleep.


When excercise cut, everyone too shag, did not count strength properly. So when orders to cover up the fortifications, the Plant guys just filled up the holes with soil. Person missing only found out back in base camp. Went back to re-dig the holes. Apparently, the excavator was digging and managed to cut the guy into 2.


I was in SOCE some time after the incident and the Officer in charge, a regular, was posted there after the incident. and manz, he was fetish about counting strength. As a sidenote, made our whole coy run back from Eagle Hill to Base Camp (KTB) carrying all the gears when the count-strength cocked-up after the mission. All I remember was the road doesn't end. and he was behaving like a mad dog. poor thing. me.

Edited by Bavarian
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Commandos beat up gangsters in Taiwan[/size]


heard that the incident happened in mid 80's. Venue was at 高雄,地下街 and had since burn down when I was there in 1991......after the fighting incident, all SAF personnel (army and navy) went there for R&R are banned from going there.....

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Then also the wild boars when they move at nite in the vegetation, look like T-rex moving in Jurassic park. Even trees shake, so scary.


Had an encounter with wild boars while on field camp on Tekong during unit days.

Was late evening time after we had all set up bashas and perimeter area. We didn't have any warning with moving sounds or ground shaking.

Suddenly 2 wild boars popped out of the vegetation and were running straight into the path where the bashas were. At the fast pace, they rammed into 2 of the bashas. Luckily everyone managed to siam and there were no people in the bashas or else it'd have been a messy affair.


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Person missing only found out back in base camp. Went back to re-dig the holes. Apparently, the excavator was digging and managed to cut the guy into 2.


walau... ordering the excavator to re-dig was already the wrong protocol... [knife]

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That's wat I heard. Cannot confirm.


Dunno if there are any protocol or SOP on "Retrieving Erroneously Buried Pioneers" but i think someone panicked.



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I think that was a different incident. The shooting incidents took part earlier circa 1992. I was a recruit too during that time. There were 2 incidents which stood out for their seriousness and subsequent aftermath. During that time Tekong was still considered 'no man's land', the instructors were king and the camp CO was a non believing guy and didn't allow offerings or prayers for you know what. As follows:


1) In my recruit platoon, we too had a mummy's boy type except that he was really trying very hard to fit in and all of us were also trying hard to help him in his training and overall outlook. Nevetheless, he found the going pretty tough and had a rough time trying to learn. Anyway at the last shoot of BMT, my platoon mate was the fella who left a round in the chamber of his M16 and accidentally shot another recruit while forming up at the 100m range. He had left a round in after getting an IA for his last 300m run. For no apparent reason he squeezed trigger marching to the butt. The guy who was shot was lucky to survive as it was point blank but crippled for life. Thank goodness for FAD. The recruit who shot him was charged with negligence. Both discharged from Army. I confirm as I had to be witness for the trial. Following this incidents, safety directive was passed where IA and clearing of rifles was done without magazines to prevent accidental chambering of rounds as it was concluded that the round was in the magazine when he cocked, check clear his rifle.


2) Incident 2 took place one month after that. This I heard from the investigating officer while attending to the first incident. There was a recruit who was not allowed to return home for the weekend as it was his turn for guard duty. Even though his grandmother passed away and he wanted to attend her funeral but was not allowed by the duty officer. Worse still was the officer went and tekan the guards later by turning them out many times during the night. During the next range shoot, the recruit intentionally kept missing so as to get the officers attention. He turned the m16 at the officer and was threatening to shoot. The 'garang' officer tried to talk him out of it by going closer but was shot in the chest as he approached. The guy then blew his brains out next. That's all I know.


2nd story not very feasible...


shoot officer maybe possible. Turn rifle on him self and blow is brain out? dun think so... rifle too long for him to turn around , aim at own head and squeeze trigger....


but what do i know ya? just take every story with a pinch of salt... haha


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2nd story not very feasible...


shoot officer maybe possible. Turn rifle on him self and blow is brain out? dun think so... rifle too long for him to turn around , aim at own head and squeeze trigger....


but what do i know ya? just take every story with a pinch of salt... haha



put rifle under chin, pointing upwards, possible?


if fingers cannot reach, can use third leg to squeeze trigger....

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Did happen one afternoon on 1st July 94. 30SCE, HQ blk.


One soldier blew his brains out in the bunk with a M16 by putting the muzzle beneath his chin in front of his S4. Left grey matter on the ceiling.

Edited by Bavarian
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Neutral Newbie

put rifle under chin, pointing upwards, possible?


if fingers cannot reach, can use third leg to squeeze trigger....

The story is true , I was in service that time, also widely reported in newspaper ... the fighting in starlight I was told was 1 SIR or 2SIR leh

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Heard that an artillery exercise in new zealand went awry and killed more than a dozen cows and have to compensate several hundred thousands.


the cow incident is in Thailand, not NZ.


NZ incident was the breech explosion to the FH2000 due to faulty primer from "china" [sweat]


anyway, arty rounds going off targets is a very common occurance as the accuracy is very dependant on weather and the map spotting skills of the FO

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