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Forum to discuss about PR application


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Oh... I wish I have someone told me that these are the requirements. The time frame given to re-apply is 2 years... very long [:(]


I think I will take a trip to meet my MP and discuss about this. hope he can help me out on this...




I heard that if got children liao .... usually also easier.


But that is what I heard.

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i've encountered the same as you about 9 years ago...


my wife is from japan and they rejected the application within 2 weeks of application. i consulted one of my relative who's involved in grassroots activities, and he advised me to seek the MP in my area for help.

i did and within 1-2 weeks after seeing the MP, my application was approved.


go see your MP...that's what they're for


I think I will do just that... since this is our only recourse and seem be the most effective so far.


Thanks for your advice.

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I do have a friend who through posting in China got acquainted with a local girl. Eventually shortly after her first visit, both got ROMed and married. Then from what I remembered shortly she got PR and finally citizenship. It was smooth sailing.


Do not be disheartened, continue to encourage and support your gf. There are many reasons for acceptance and rejection, of which no way these would be revealed to applicants for obvious reasons. The reason could be either party, ie you or her or both. Just be patience, take it as part of the journey of growing closer together. Seek other means of help like some say go to MP, better still see WKS. My friend did.


Thanks for your support [thumbsup]

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U come 2 de right place, here MCF! Maybe u shld ask ICA the reason 4 de rejection? How long have ur wife been staying in SG? I've friend's wife got rejected for less than 2years stay. Even visa sometime r reject for no reason, just appeal lor.


They will not tell you the actual reason but standard reason on the book...

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Neutral Newbie

hi everybody,

I read your views on this topic about PR. We (myself, husband and kid) have applied for PR a month ago. This is the first time we applied for PR in Sg and my husband is here since jul,2007 and we joined him here in dec,2007. I have been working on contract for 6months here, and was working when we apllied for PR, but am now not working (main PR applicant is my husband who is working in Sg on EP since he arrived). I would like to know a few things, as I am confused after reading this thread.....

1) What is the minumum time required to get PR (meaning, did any of u get PR in one-and-a-half or two-months duration. If yes, wasthat a first attempt to get PR)

2) When should we really start worryingabout the PR status (since it is only a month since we applied, we are still thinking it is under process)

3) Since we have already applied and not yet got a reply, can we still approach the local MP to assist us in any way, or can we only do that only after we get a response. (coz we feel it is better to approach now if we do have to, rather than for reapplication, which will take longer).

4) How do we get in touch with the local MP, I dontknow much about this, so please guide. Also, if we do approach the MP what kind of help should we expect. Is it a letter in our favour or what other way of help can we expect, any info on this....

5) If our application gets rejected, do they GENERALLY (or compulsorily) ask to wait for a two-year period? that wouldbe a longgggtime.....

6) From the threads, I think ppl who have been asked to wait and apply after a two-year duration met the local MP and got a letter and then reapplied and got PR. Does that mean that they didnot wait for two-years to reapply and applied immediatelyafter getting rejectedthe first time, with the help of MP.....

6) Lastly, does calling up MoM to know the status of any help, or should only wait......


any info regarding this and/or based your personal experience will be appreciated.




Edited by Shma
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it is too soon to apply for a PR. Similar situation in many countries. It would be wrong to get married and then get a PR in a few months becos when u see it on a larger scale, you will understand what I mean - potential for many fraud cases. However, the downside of it is that the person might be the real deal and their potential income could really help. I understand it must be hard. But then again, should have thought of all these first.


You should try to appeal in a few months time or mebbe even a year later. Your application depends on many factors such as your background, her background, past offences if any, income, educational level etc... and I quite agree with the ICA. Just cos one is a Singaporean and serves NS does not give them the automatic right to get PR status for their spouses. My mom was a foreign wife btw.. and our childhood was very weird when we went to the immigration and she had to queue in a different queue! Even back then in the 70s it took quite a while... but take heed.. it will come.


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hi everybody,

I read your views on this topic about PR. We (myself, husband and kid) have applied for PR a month ago. This is the first time we applied for PR in Sg and my husband is here since jul,2007 and we joined him here in dec,2007. I have been working on contract for 6months here, and was working when we apllied for PR, but am now not working (main PR applicant is my husband who is working in Sg on EP since he arrived). I would like to know a few things, as I am confused after reading this thread.....

1) What is the minumum time required to get PR (meaning, did any of u get PR in one-and-a-half or two-months duration. If yes, wasthat a first attempt to get PR)

2) When should we really start worryingabout the PR status (since it is only a month since we applied, we are still thinking it is under process)

3) Since we have already applied and not yet got a reply, can we still approach the local MP to assist us in any way, or can we only do that only after we get a response. (coz we feel it is better to approach now if we do have to, rather than for reapplication, which will take longer).

4) How do we get in touch with the local MP, I dontknow much about this, so please guide. Also, if we do approach the MP what kind of help should we expect. Is it a letter in our favour or what other way of help can we expect, any info on this....

5) If our application gets rejected, do they GENERALLY (or compulsorily) ask to wait for a two-year period? that wouldbe a longgggtime.....

6) From the threads, I think ppl who have been asked to wait and apply after a two-year duration met the local MP and got a letter and then reapplied and got PR. Does that mean that they didnot wait for two-years to reapply and applied immediatelyafter getting rejectedthe first time, with the help of MP.....

6) Lastly, does calling up MoM to know the status of any help, or should only wait......


any info regarding this and/or based your personal experience will be appreciated.





If the local MP helps you it is out of goodwill and I'm sure many locals will frown upon that.. cos a local MP shouldnt have or need to help a foreigner. I know it musnt please u to hear that but I used to be a foreigner when I stayed overseas, so I know how you feel. More so, many singaporeans are already unhappy that there's been an influx of foreigners, and that's a reality. It's a reality I had to face when I was living overseas as well, but that's the price we pay isnt it?


There is no hard and fast rule on the application process of PR status. The criteria varies with the demographics, economy, status, mood of its people and rightfully so as well. But if Singapore has what you are after, then the wait should be worth it. If not, well, it's just too bad.


So allow me to answer your questions to my best knowledge (and pls dont ask how I know the answers to these)

1. It depends on a lot of factors, the factors change, it is generally not divulged by the ICA.

2. No

3. Out of goodwill, the MP can help you. MPs are there to serve the voting public and are not public servants. Their time and resources must first go to Singaporeans. Some branches do not help foreigners and their system is not able to register you. Some systems used require the NRIC for registration and rightfully so because MPs are there to help singaoreans, i.e. you have the NRIC. But do try your luck. If the MP does help you, thank him/her profusely.

4. Part of this qn is answered in my answer to part 3. If you go to the void deck of any HDB block where you live, you will find a notice board. There you will see the picture of your MP and where and when he does the Meet the People session. Or else, check the Parliament website.

5. Wait a reasonable amount of time. Dont stress the ICA out with repeated applications cos it just wastes time and money. Also, be kind to yourself and spare yourself the agony. A 6 mth wait might be nice. Considering you're not being asked to leave like some that I've met, you have a pretty good deal, so take it easy.

6. No. Status is done by the ICA, not MoM.


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Neutral Newbie

hi everybody,

I read your views on this topic about PR. We (myself, husband and kid) have applied for PR a month ago. This is the first time we applied for PR in Sg and my husband is here since jul,2007 and we joined him here in dec,2007. I have been working on contract for 6months here, and was working when we apllied for PR, but am now not working (main PR applicant is my husband who is working in Sg on EP since he arrived). I would like to know a few things, as I am confused after reading this thread.....

1) What is the minumum time required to get PR (meaning, did any of u get PR in one-and-a-half or two-months duration. If yes, wasthat a first attempt to get PR)

2) When should we really start worryingabout the PR status (since it is only a month since we applied, we are still thinking it is under process)

3) Since we have already applied and not yet got a reply, can we still approach the local MP to assist us in any way, or can we only do that only after we get a response. (coz we feel it is better to approach now if we do have to, rather than for reapplication, which will take longer).

4) How do we get in touch with the local MP, I dontknow much about this, so please guide. Also, if we do approach the MP what kind of help should we expect. Is it a letter in our favour or what other way of help can we expect, any info on this....

5) If our application gets rejected, do they GENERALLY (or compulsorily) ask to wait for a two-year period? that wouldbe a longgggtime.....

6) From the threads, I think ppl who have been asked to wait and apply after a two-year duration met the local MP and got a letter and then reapplied and got PR. Does that mean that they didnot wait for two-years to reapply and applied immediatelyafter getting rejectedthe first time, with the help of MP.....

6) Lastly, does calling up MoM to know the status of any help, or should only wait......


any info regarding this and/or based your personal experience will be appreciated.





all depends on what is ur husband's profession..but most likely very tough in these times are goverment are very very selective on approving PR now..They approve too many PRs, singaporeans will protest saying not enough jobs for locals..Furthermore, ur husband's tenure in Spore is way too short..



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sorry to side track a bit here, if a singaporean guy wants to marries a PRC, after ROM he straight away apply LTVP for her so she can stay here. so how long does the ICA normally issue the LTVP for?? and during this time can she goes in and out of singapore ( lets say visit parents etc etc)...checking up for a colleague [thumbsup]

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sorry to side track a bit here, if a singaporean guy wants to marries a PRC, after ROM he straight away apply LTVP for her so she can stay here. so how long does the ICA normally issue the LTVP for?? and during this time can she goes in and out of singapore ( lets say visit parents etc etc)...checking up for a colleague [thumbsup]


6mths or 1 year depending on you luck and ICA mood...


during this period the applicant will be issued a piece of paper to show immigration when moving in and out of the country along with your passport

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1) do not apply PR within 12 mths stay in SGP, unless she got the job now and holding S pass and above

2) since her application rejected, pls read the letter from ICA, there is time frame given when to re-apply or not

3) depend ur salary, if sky high, try 6 mths later. else, pls wait

4) try see ur MP, but dun put high hope on thier letter


need time, unless u r lucky. my advice, ask her get the job and work first, stay at least 6 months


Good Luck [thumbsup]


I have a personal experiene to relate. My Malaysian wife had been working in Singapore for a couple of years and she resigned before we got married. I applied successfully for a long term (given 1 year) social visit pass for her immediately after our marriage and at the same time applied for a PR. She was rejected on the ground that she didn't fulfill her residency requirement after marriage. One year later, I applied for the PR for her and she got it. I believe there is a requirement for her to stay in Singapore for a period of time before she can apply for PR; definitely not within less than 6 months. Another member here mentioned that his neighbour's China wife who holds a work permit got deported after she married him. Although he didn't not mention the reason why, I suspect she didn't have permission from MOM to marry a local. Although MOM have a set of rules on work permit holders marrying a local, not every work permit holder needs to seek approval. In my wife's case, before her marriage, each time she resigned and got another admin job, she was given a letter from MOM, along with her work permit, stating that she didn't need to seek MOM's conscent if she wants to marry a local.


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from what i gathered, i guess most husbands would want to apply PR for their spouse ASAP after they ROM because then the spouse can start to look for a job and thus financially contribute to the new family....But ICA doesnt "encourages" them to apply for PR so soon i guess maybe because of those marriage scam cases.


I think it will be tough on those people who doesnt have the cash reserve to wait for one year then apply for PR, havent factor in the waiting, processing time. so i guess the husband must be mentally and financially prepared to wait at least 1.5 yrs before the spouse has a chance at PR.....just my observation...dont [bounce1] me.

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Neutral Newbie

Just to share my experience, my wife got her PR less than a month after she touching down in Singapore. We did the ROM here after she arrived.


She has been to Singapore many times for visits prior. She did have a job offer in hand when she applied, and I think there was some overlap with the employment pass. She is a graduate. I was in a stable job for a number of years. We did also have a chat with our good MP to expedite the process. In the end, not sure what did the trick.

Edited by Earthforge
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Hi All,


This is my first post in this group. Hope you all will accept me as a new fellow into the group.


I am a PR since Aug 09. I applied for PR for my wife on 20th Oct09 (we got married on 3rd Oct09). We received a rejection letter 2 days ago, with reason : She does not meet residential requirement. Further, they ask us to re-apply in 9 months time.


Having said that story, I need your suggestion on these two problems :


1. I need to buy a house now, I have been saving for about 3 years in Singapore and have seen that prices are shooting up dramatically.


2. My wife is searching for job "Medical social worker" - in all the open positions every one is asking for a PR, as its a medical related field.


Please advice me, if I should appeal citing the above reasons and hope to get ICA approval this time.


If you believe appealing now is waste, do you have an alternative solutions to my problems ?


Thanks for you time, best regards to everyone





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Hi Everyone,


My name is Mandy and I am a producer at Channel News Asia. I am currently producing a show called "Get Rea!" in which the episode I am working on, covers the topic of "Permanent Residency" and on what grounds does it get rejected and the repercussions of being rejected.


I would like to call upon any individual who feels he/she has a story to tell, whether it be someone who feels like they've been out done by, or unfairly treated, or have been applying for a long time but have failed despite efforts, I would appreciate it if I could hear from you.


I hope that by producing this show, it would highlight to the relevant bodies on the situation at hand, and also at the same time, a transparent more clearer process of determining permanent residencies for individuals.


Of course, this is a sensitive topic, so I will be more than willing to provide full anonymity to the individuals.


Please feel free to contact me on:

[email protected]


Look forward to hearing from you.






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Neutral Newbie

Hi all,

I just apply for PR 2 months ago and got rejected. I'm planning to appeal, but don't know how. From this forum, I learned that the only way to appeal is go to MP and ask letter from them. Is it correct? And how should I submit this letter to ICA?


Is there any other way to appeal?


Last but not least, how long I should appeal after my PR aplication got rejected?



Thank you

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Hi all,

I just apply for PR 2 months ago and got rejected. I'm planning to appeal, but don't know how. From this forum, I learned that the only way to appeal is go to MP and ask letter from them. Is it correct? And how should I submit this letter to ICA?


Is there any other way to appeal?


Last but not least, how long I should appeal after my PR aplication got rejected?



Thank you


but have you thought about why was your application rejected?


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