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Does studying in elite school makes you different?


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Neutral Newbie

Sorry have not been tracking the school rankings for years but my impression is this school is never in the top 3 school ranking

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Were you from an elite school yourself? You sound like a wannabe. I am third gen from elite school for my children going there is a given, due to OBA and Alumni ties. >


Nowadays being alumi of top schools doesnt gurantee your children automatic entry. Some had to even wash toilets for the schools.


The best way is still to be on good terms with the school principal. Lucky the current school principal of my alumni is a former classmate cum skirt-chaser mate of mine. I can even apply for my Dog to attend primary 1 sure no problem.




hhhmmm, goes to show how "Elite" it is

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????? during my time in RI, the people there are not rich. Yes there are rich kids but nobody flaunts their wealth... common 13-16 year olds, money is not really that impt in everyday life.


my family not rich but life there is ok leh. The only time I felt bad because of money was when I cannot join a overseas student exchange because I do not have my own room at home for the overseas student to share with.


many RI boys not from rich families. many come from HDB backgrounds. but look at them now: high paying doctor lawyer banker hedge fund etc all driving BMW/Porsche.


i think testarossa meant the ACS family where he is the 3rd gen of alumni.


newsflash: ACJC has stopped accepting substandard ACS(I) students due to their desire to be in the top JC ranks. It will be soon that ACS(I) will do the same for the Primary and Junior (Barker Rd no need to say). So there may very well be a 4th generation in your family but he may get kicked out during the Primary to Secondary transition... [laugh][laugh]

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If you are peasant, putting you in an elite school also would be of no use, you can never mix or network with the rich crowd, they will laugh at you if you cannot afford a Crumpler bag, the latest Ipod, come in an expensive car, live in private property and go for expensive holidays, much less always meeting up at their local hangoouts at Tanglin, Nassim or Queen Astrid Park, so a peasant will fall through the cracks and be VERY UNHAPPY in an elite school.


This is true. ACS was a cruel experience for the few boys from HDB backgrounds.


ACS FOREVER! [thumbsdown][thumbsdown][laugh][laugh]

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I'm wondering what kind of effect will studying in elite schools make a person different (or not). Any opinion?


My professional opinion is that the environment a person/child is exposed to during the phase of his life whereby he is very willing and able to absorb knowledge is very important. On a large scale, I'd say that a better environment is definitely beneficial. But at the end of the day, being in an elite school does not gurantee anything. But it allows for potential that a child will learn more as he is put in an environment whereby the other children also have a more receptive background and come in with an end in mind. In this day and age, the 'elite' portion is being eroded as every school excels in its own niche. No school excels in everything.


My non professional opinion is simple - ministers can say this and say that and say everything is equal. Where are their children?

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Neutral Newbie

It all depends on the individual and their upbringing.

Some may become big headed and proud about it

Some are still humble and nice despite it all.

But there is a higher likelihood of having friends in better paying position in future, which provides you a better network.

Studying in a school with an older alumni also allows you to meet past alumnis from the same school which results in instant recognition, common topic and perhaps, give you a better chance at acing that interview.

Peer influence could also inspire the person to work harder if the peers around are those hard workers. However, it could end up the other way too if they are snobbish, brand chasing, hack-cared people. It could also end up negatively if the friends that the person mixed with are those uber smart, no need to study and can also get As one. Then hor, the results will suffer loh.

At the end of the day, it still goes back to the first statement, it all depends on the individual and their upbringing laa...

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yes, depends on the individual and their upbringing. So what is upbringing? Your kid spends like 6-8 hours in school everyday. Probably more time spent than with u on a weekday.

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if you do not know how to built on the advantage, other people can perform better eventually.



one needs to build on this advantage. Parents play important role to lend a hand to kids to be able to follow on track.


one thing is i notice there is a trend on kids with both working parents. The maid spends more time with kids than parents. Somehow quite a fair number of them become less interested in studies although they are very smart.

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Appreciate your opinion. Such opportunity is somewhat valuable and provide the growth potential for the young ones.


As for your non-pro opinion, well it is alreay a known fact [rolleyes]

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????? during my time in RI, the people there are not rich. Yes there are rich kids but nobody flaunts their wealth... common 13-16 year olds, money is not really that impt in everyday life.


my family not rich but life there is ok leh. The only time I felt bad because of money was when I cannot join a overseas student exchange because I do not have my own room at home for the overseas student to share with.


many RI boys not from rich families. many come from HDB backgrounds. but look at them now: high paying doctor lawyer banker hedge fund etc all driving BMW/Porsche.


i think testarossa meant the ACS family where he is the 3rd gen of alumni.


newsflash: ACJC has stopped accepting substandard ACS(I) students due to their desire to be in the top JC ranks. It will be soon that ACS(I) will do the same for the Primary and Junior (Barker Rd no need to say). So there may very well be a 4th generation in your family but he may get kicked out during the Primary to Secondary transition... [laugh][laugh]


My wife came from the sister school of RI. She did well in her studies and now a well paying job in the civil service, middle management. But she does not drive BMW/Porsche or lavishes in expensive restaurant or lifestyle. She still stays in a HDB flat like me. Still takes public transport to work and home and enjoys my ride (lancer) with me every morning to her office.


I guess school is one thing but upbringing is another.


One may be smart but if he/she does not a good upbringing from parents, he may end up at the wrong side of his life.


One may not be smart but has a proper upbringing from the family, he may become successful in life.


Finally the best is one who is smart and good upbringing from the parents. He or she will be very successful.


I am not advocating any views. Just my 2 cents worth.


Btw, I am not from an elite school but I end up being a practising professional. You don't need to go elite school to become a doctor or a lawyer.

Edited by feel
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