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Johor Sultan vows to find ways to reclaim Pedra Branca


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Neutral Newbie

thats why we got apaches, air refueling, awacs and modern fighters. we rulez the sky and have greater reach than 40 km.

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Neutral Newbie

hmmm so all that trash talking abt taking back pedra branca is just for show..like wwe wrestlers tearing up their shirts in the ring but in backroom all kawans

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thats why we got apaches, air refueling, awacs and modern fighters. we rulez the sky and have greater reach than 40 km.



They dont need to rule the sky. They only need 250 artillery guns placed at interval of 200m. They dont need to send planes or troops over.


You can control the sky and dropped whatever you want. It will take a long time to obliterate the place. The red dot only take a day of shelling from 250 guns and it will disappear.


You must understand what is a small red dot. Nothing.

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Prior to Icj, didnt they say they would accept the decision as final?


then again..whats so surprising. Its malaysia.


Yup... Malaysia. A land were:


1. It's reasonable to expect unreasonable behaviour

2. It's a rational expectation to have irrational reaction

3. It's totally legal to do illegal stuff like CLOBbering Singaporeans.

4. Where anything that's final is when they have the last say. But even when they had the last say and it's not in their favour, it's NOT the last say until they achieve a I-Win-Everyone else-Lose situation.


Yeah.... Malaysia...

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wah low..you all huh....


He just said he wants to take back the "thing". When on earth did he says he wants to take back "the island"???


Read carefully la...

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I think the Sultan of Johor finally did something. Built a bigger lighthouse, longer jetty plus a helicopter pad on the shallow rocks.



The maritime base on the Middle Rocks was built at a cost of RM61.5 million (S$19.5 million), and has a 316m-long jetty, a helipad and a lighthouse. Singapore's Pedra Branca can be seen in the background





Malaysia has signalled its keen sovereign interest by completing a maritime base just a kilometre away from Pedra Branca, and hopes to tighten its sea borders in the area where frequent trespasses by Vietnamese fishing boats have hurt the livelihoods of Malaysian fishermen, officials and analysts say.

The Sultan of Johor officially opened the maritime base on the Middle Rocks on Tuesday, after some five years of construction at a cost of RM61.5 million (S$19.5 million). The rocky outcrop was awarded to Malaysia in 2008 by the International Court of Justice (ICJ), which handed Pedra Branca to Singapore at the same time.

Analysts note that the Abu Bakar Maritime Base should be welcomed as a positive development in maritime security.

"There is undoubtedly a signal that Malaysia is serious about its sovereignty claims around that stretch of water. But both sides should turn this into a positive development to try to address common security concerns," S. Rajaratnam School of International Studies senior fellow Oh Ei Sun told The Sunday Times.


The base has a 316m-long jetty, a helipad and a lighthouse, and is manned by 17 personnel. Abu Bakar is the first sultan in the Johor ruling family that began in the 19th century.

Johor's Sultan Ibrahim Sultan Iskandar on his official Facebook page said the facility was "aimed at safeguarding Malaysia's sovereign territory and waters, and for conducting marine scientific research".

Malaysia's coast guard, the base's main operator, said that since 2015, it has detained 11 Vietnamese fishing boats and their 144 crew, and estimate there were hundreds of other vessels encroaching into Malaysian waters.

"We hope the new Abu Bakar Maritime Base at Middle Rocks will help us monitor and act against illegal activities in Johor waters," Malaysian Maritime Enforcement Agency southern region director Adon Shalan was reported as saying by The Star.

The top brass of the armed forces and the National Security Council had briefed the ruler last Monday on efforts to protect Johor's international borders. "The Sultan decided he wanted to visit the next day. That's why it was so sudden. But the base itself did not pop up overnight," a source close to the palace told The Sunday Times.

Pedra Branca was in the news in recent months after Malaysia on June 30 filed an application before the ICJ to declare that the waters surrounding the island remain within its territorial waters - a move Singapore said was puzzling, without merit, and one it will oppose.

The challenge comes months after Malaysia filed a separate application to revise the same 2008 ruling in February, citing newly discovered facts. Singapore filed its written observations in response to the revision application with the ICJ in May.


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Fret not. They build towards us, we can also continue to reclaim our tekong island which is already extremely near their mainland. Tit for tat.


Actually who started first huh?

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Always trying to swallow up the little red dot.


It is with a stroke of the pen...the one who started it all.


Now he has reservations about the Singapore-Johore transit rail.


Personally, I too also have reservations. The way illegals can come and go freely there makes me feel that it will be a matter of time we will have our hands full again with another problem.


That's just my thoughts. "Happy Birthday little red dot! May you grow wiser with each passing year and stronger from all the bullying from North, South, East and West. May it's people remain united and not tossed about with kpkb. Let each citizen be in good health and take challenges with bravery." And let me have more faith in the younger generation who have not gone thru hardships brought on by war and real fight for survival. Let each child not forget this country came about with sacrifices made by the generation before them so they do not talk big and boast...when they neither contributed nor intend to.



Safe ride


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they have so many inhabited bigger islands yet fighting over such a tiny bit of rock. it shows how big is their heart 


Its not abt how big or how small or how many islands. Its abt the strategic location of the island. [scholar]


Pedra Branca is situated at the entrance/exit of Singapore straits, a vital shipping lane in the region. Therefore it is important that we have control over it.


You wouldnt wana see someone else having it and control the movement of the vessels into our place right? They can then any time cease all shipping and starve our economy, similar to a blockade of vital blood in our human body.

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Always trying to swallow up the little red dot.


It is with a stroke of the pen...the one who started it all.


Now he has reservations about the Singapore-Johore transit rail.


Personally, I too also have reservations. The way illegals can come and go freely there makes me feel that it will be a matter of time we will have our hands full again with another problem.


That's just my thoughts. "Happy Birthday little red dot! May you grow wiser with each passing year and stronger from all the bullying from North, South, East and West. May it's people remain united and not tossed about with kpkb. Let each citizen be in good health and take challenges with bravery." And let me have more faith in the younger generation who have not gone thru hardships brought on by war and real fight for survival. Let each child not forget this country came about with sacrifices made by the generation before them so they do not talk big and boast...when they neither contributed nor intend to.



Safe ride


MY patterns more than badminton.


Mustn't forget what our old man always warn us about MY.



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It's all about politics and the malaysian govt trying to beef up domestic support for their coming elections.


However the johor sultan is not exactly pro ah jib either, so i just wonder. He is trying to assert royal influence over his state rather than submit 100% to federal control. Hence his disagreement over the rail plans, that he was not properly consulted.

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It's all about politics and the malaysian govt trying to beef up domestic support for their coming elections.


However the johor sultan is not exactly pro ah jib either, so i just wonder. He is trying to assert royal influence over his state rather than submit 100% to federal control. Hence his disagreement over the rail plans, that he was not properly consulted.

It can be in 2 ways:


Ah jib really didn't consult JB sultan about the rail plan. And just go ahead to sign contract with SG. Sultan not happy abt it.


Ah Jib and Sultan already agreed to the contract, but has the plan to play Hollywood actors. Sultan pretend to be angry and play difficult to agree to the contract. SG may be asked to pay more, as part of compensation or change the plan to give MY more advantage.


There are alot of tricks up the sleeve and very hard to trust anyone.



Anyway, it's prudent for SG to check with Ah jib about sultan's agreement to the contract. If SG took for granted that ah jib got do his homework, then it's a big diplomatic failure on SG garment.


SG should already know that royal families always has a say in its own land, and can cause difficulties to the overall contract.

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