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Meaning of guaranteed COE ?


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Hi all,


What is the meaning of guaranteed COE??


Eg: 1 bid guaranteed COE ??

3 bid guaranteed COE ???

can go up till 6 bid ?????


How this thing go about?


So when can the buyer get their COE????? i don't get the ideal?


What happen is after 6 bid still dun have COE? Only happen in PI or also direct dealer?

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guranteed COE mean, they will try bid for you 1st, till such a time all bids still dun get COE, they will die die go find one COE for you lor... mostly open cat.


most case they are just trying their luck to see if they could bid a lower coe since the price is already lock in... they are just taking gamble, if coe goes up too high than what they quoted, they will ask u to top ip lor... is all their trick, as consumer, we are just at the losing end.

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the meaning of guaranteed COE basically means that even before the bidding starts, you have "secured" a COE. by hook or crook, the dealer will have to get you your COE.


guaranteed 1 bid means that you'll get your COE in the first bid. this is good if the car you're getting is available in stock. Reduces the waiting time.

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but i tot they only quote the guranteed COE at certain price, if COE shoot up very high, they will want the customer to top up?

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If that is the case, what for state as Guaranteed COE??? Where end of the day might need to take more money? no diff from non-guaranteed COE leh? this is just trying luck and telling people you got 6 chances to win! [furious]

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it depends i guess.


i or rather, my dad was in that situation before.


we got a Harrier (which has been sold already) and was assure a 3 bid guarantee.


First bid, never get. they say will get in second bid.


Second bid, they say they purposely bid low because they secured those delayed customer's COE first and guarantee us 3rd bid, CONFIRM get.


Third bid, NEVER GET! ask if we can top up 1.5K and will give open cat right away. We didn't agree to that. we demanded we get the COE without any top-ups because we already added 1K to the car price initially for the 3BID guarantee.


After much a little bit and "bang table throw chair", they agreed to give us open cat with no top up.


this wasn't the end, car was delivered 18days after the initial agreed date. For that, we demanded they waive off the 1K extra that we paid. They agreed.


Sometimes, you just have to push it.

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aiyo, if everything say no guarantee, who got confident in them? and who will sign a deal with them since there is no assurance?


they have to have some gimmicks to trick people mah... that's the trick lor... guarantee COE... sounds good right? if you die die want the COE, look for the dealer who tells you that GUARANTEE IMMEDIATE COE WITH NO TOP-UP (make them sign put down black and white on the sales agreement)... maybe that's not gimmick. [sweatdrop]

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Er.... what happen after 6 bidding still can't get COE, if PI ask to TOP-UP?

Can i dun top-up and dont buy can take back my deposit? [sweatdrop]

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just bang table lah... and scold them KNNBCCB.... i am sure the sales and purchase agreement will state the car price, the COE price which they will bid for you, and subject to how many bids, so should be able to back off after all the bids and still no COE...


just to play safe, put a remark there stating should after all bids and no COE, the sales and purchase agreement shall be void and null, deposit to be refunded with NO conditions.


i hope it will works. [sweatdrop][sweatdrop][sweatdrop]

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Hey I got mine with guaranteed COE too.


Guaranteed COE means that they will secure a COE for you even if it means they lose out in bidding for Cat A and have to pay more to secure a Cat E for you, usually within 2-3 bids.


'Non-guaranteed' COE means that they will try bidding for you at the stated price (eg. 9k) usually within 4-6 bids. If say the COE price went up and they are unable to secure a COE for you, they will ask you to top up to get a COE.


Usually for guaranteed COE, the list price is about 1-2k higher (2k for mine) but you have peace of mind. But it's widely believed that even if you go for 'non-guaranteed', they will secure a COE for you so they can close the deal.


HTHs. [:)]

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i think the low price is after cash rebate, interest rebate and stuff... best is to call them to find out the actual car price for IMMEDIATE DELIVERY WITHOUT BANK LOAN AND INSURANCE, then is easier to find out if the car is cheaper than others...

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Neutral Newbie

Hi All, sorry i cannot open a new thread cos i am a new member but i have a question, so i added to this thread. Hopefully this is ok:



I was checking out brand new cars at showrooms at Leng Kee last weekend.


Toyota was offering Guaranteed COE with COE rebate at $11k

Honda was offering Guaranteed COE with COE rebate at 13k


Can someone explain to me why they would offer such rates given that current coe is about 17-18k.


As i understand it, if I purchase a car from honda at this Guaranteed COE with COE rebate of $13k, if COE resuls next fortnight is at $16k, Honda will need to top up the difference. Whereas if the COE is less than $13k, Honda will return me the difference.


My question is: How does HOnda and Toyota come up with this Guaranteed COE with COE rebate value?


Are they basically taking a calculated estimate of what COE levels are going to be next release? Or have they built in the loss amount (i.e. 18k - 13k = 5K ) into the base price of the car.


Anyone knows how they do this?


Thanks in advance, wan

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Hi All, sorry i cannot open a new thread cos i am a new member but i have a question, so i added to this thread. Hopefully this is ok:



I was checking out brand new cars at showrooms at Leng Kee last weekend.


Toyota was offering Guaranteed COE with COE rebate at $11k

Honda was offering Guaranteed COE with COE rebate at 13k


Can someone explain to me why they would offer such rates given that current coe is about 17-18k.


As i understand it, if I purchase a car from honda at this Guaranteed COE with COE rebate of $13k, if COE resuls next fortnight is at $16k, Honda will need to top up the difference. Whereas if the COE is less than $13k, Honda will return me the difference.


My question is: How does HOnda and Toyota come up with this Guaranteed COE with COE rebate value?


Are they basically taking a calculated estimate of what COE levels are going to be next release? Or have they built in the loss amount (i.e. 18k - 13k = 5K ) into the base price of the car.


Anyone knows how they do this?


Thanks in advance, wan


The rebate is for a surprise drop in COE price.

If they secure the car with COE @ $10k, your scenario above will see Toyota rebate client $1k and Honda rebate client $3k.



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